Register to the Recently Launched European Artificial Intelligence (AI) Alliance

European Commission launches the European AI Alliance steered by the High Level Group on AI. You can now officially join the European AI Alliance – a forum engaged in a broad and open discussion of all aspects of Artificial Intelligence development and its impacts. Why join the AI Alliance? Schlagwörter: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Alliance

Health Horizon Applicant Training

Do you wish support in planning and writing your EU health Horizon proposal? 23-08-2018, 09:45–16:00 in Bern The event addresses applicants of Health Horizon 2020 proposals. At the time of the event, participants should already be familiar with the proposal template and the topic text in the Health work programme to which they are planning […]

Experiment with Smart City IoT Framework

SMEs, large companies and cities are invited to experiment with the smart city IoT framework developed within the Horizon 2020 project Synchronicity. The funding about 100’000 EUR, duration 6 months, submission deadline 30 September 2018. The Horizon 2020 project SynchroniCity aims to foster the development of a global Internet of Things (IoT) market where cities […]

Funding Opportunities for your Industry 4.0 R&D

Registration is Open, Seats are Limited 30-08-2018, 08:45–12:15 in Bern Industry 4.0 refers to the rapid, digitally enabled transformations in the design, production, operation and service of manufacturing systems and products, providing a highly integrated value chain. The European Commission is investing 1.7b € in Horizon 2020 for this digitisation of industry. Swiss entities, for-profit […]

Experiment with European Data Incubator Data Sets

Deadline: 27 June 2018 at 12:00 The European Data Incubator (EDI) project calls SMEs and start-ups to submit cross-domain or domain specific proposals based on the EDI datasets. The participants are offered technical and business services to develop a minimum viable product. The Horizon 2020 project European Data Incubator (EDI) calls for two tracks: Cross-domain […]

Information Day on the Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation (SEWP)

Register now and learn about your opportunities to participate in SEWP during this event organised by the European Commission on 18 June 2018 in Brussels. The SEWP Programme specifically targets European Countries with a lower perfomance in Research and Innovation. These countries are referred to as Widening* countries. 3 different measures (Teaming, Twinning and ERA […]

Partner Offer for Horizon 2020: Innovative and Citizen-driven Food System Approaches in Cities

The “Organisation européenne de la santé” OES is looking to join consortia.     The OES is looking to become partner in the following topic: CE-SFS-24-2019: Innovative and citizen-driven food system approaches in cities The contribution of OES could be the following: Schlagwörter: CE-SFS-24-2019, Innovative and citizen-driven food system approaches

3. Juli 2018: Innovations-Apéro – Technopark Winterthur, Winterthur

«Wissen für alle» – ein innovatives Medienmodell Fake News gehen siebenmal schneller um die Welt als Fakten. Weil sie attraktiv und verständlich sind – und gratis. Diesem Trend tritt ein Winterthurer Medien-KMU unter dem Brand „higgs“ mit einem neuen Informations-Modell entgegen. Es definiert Wissen als Allgemeingut und baut dafür ein neues Verteil- und Finanzierungssystem auf. […]

Arbeitswelten der Zukunft – Ausschreibung IBH-Positionen

Einreichfrist: 15. August 2018. In welchen Formen und Strukturen werden wir in Zukunft arbeiten? Wie verändert sich unser Verständnis von Erwerbs- und ehrenamtlicher Arbeit? Wie gestalten wir unsere Erwerbsbiographien und Bildungskarrieren? Mit welchen gesellschaftspolitischen Vorstellungen wollen wir diese Zukunft gestalten? Mit der Förderlinie „Positionen“ will die IBH den Dialog von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft zum Themenfeld […]

Swiss Technology Award

Der bedeutendste Technologiepreis der Schweiz Innovationen sind für die Schweizer Wirtschaft die entscheidenden Treiber des Fortschritts. Sie sichern unseren Wohlstand. Mit der Verleihung des Swiss Technology Award wird diese Innovationskultur unterstützt und gefördert. In drei Kategorien werden jedes Jahr herausragende technologiebasierte Innovationen und Entwicklungen von Start-ups, Hoch- und Fachhochschulen sowie etablierten Unternehmen prämiert. Der Preis […]