National Information Event on the ERC Synergy Grant

Learn directly form the ERC on these most Prestiguous Grants 02-09-2019, 14:15–17:30 in Bern ERC Synergy Grants enable 2-4 top researchers with complimentary skills and knowledge to jointly address a research problem in an unprecedented way. The last Synergy Grant call under the current European framework programme for research and innovation will open in July and […]

European R&I Funding Opportunities in Advanced Materials and Plastic

Last calls in the area of Advanced Materials and Plastics under Horizon 2020! 28-08-2019,09:30–14:30 in Fribourg The event is designed for researchers from academia and industry and other stakeholder being involved with these subjects, interested in the upcoming calls in the field of Advanced Materials and Plastics. In the Plastics part a variety of call topics […]

Workshop «Innosuisse Projektförderung – Grundlagen» mit Fachpersonen der Innosuisse & ZHAW-Experten

Die Innosuisse Innovationsprojekte sind eine ausgezeichnete Plattform für die gemeinsame Forschung mit Partnern aus der Industrie und eine der zugänglichsten Quellen für Drittmittel. Doch was steckt hinter einem erfolgreichen Gesuch? Anna Cuccu und Kathrin Kramer aus dem Geschäftsbereich Projekt- und Programmförderung der Innosuisse geben Einblick in die Abläufe, Kriterien und Hin-tergründe der Förderung von Innosuisse […]

Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials

Wichtiger Hinweis für alle, die in den Bereichen «Climate action», «environment», «resource efficiency» und «raw materials» forschen. Das SC5-Arbeitsprogramm 2020 ist nun in einer Draft-Version öffentlich zugänglich. Die finale Version ist für den 3. Juli 2019 geplant. Weitere Informationen finden Sie HIER Schlagwörter: Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials, Update Work Programme 2018 […]

Funding Opportunities for Your Industry 4.0 Research and Development

Registration is Open, Seats are Limited 22-08-2019,08:45–12:15 in Bern Industry 4.0 refers to the rapid, digitally enabled transformations in the design, production, operation and service of manufacturing systems and products, providing a highly integrated value chain. The European Commission is investing €1.7 billion in Horizon 2020 for this digitisation of industry. Swiss entities, for-profit or […]

European Research and Innovation Days

24, 25 and 26 September 2019, kanal centre pompidou, Brussels, Belgium European Research and Innovation Days is the first annual policy event of the European Commission, bringing together stakeholders to debate and shape the future research and innovation landscape. Speakers will include ministers, commissioners, members of European Parliament, researchers, as well as surprise guests each […]

IMI2 – Call 18 & 19 webinars

IMI will hold webinars on IMI2 – Call 18 & 19 from Friday 14 June to  Wednesday 26 June 2019 inclusive. All webinars on the Call topics will feature a presentation by the EFPIA topic coordinator and time for questions and answers. The webinars represent an excellent opportunity to learn more about the Call topics, interact directly […]

Are you looking for a Partner or a Consortium for a Horizon 2020 Topic? This is how!

Brokerage Event: 4 July 2019, Dublin Ireland Participate at the Brokerage Event on ICT, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing and enlarge your network.                                                  This is  a free one-day event that will introduce the upcoming Horizon 2020 calls for proposals, present insights and expectations from the European Commission whilst offering a unique international networking experience to forge […]

Horizon 2020: Final Call!

05-09-2019, 09:30–16:30 in Bern Join us and register today! The aim of this event is to inform all interested stakeholders in Switzerland about funding opportunities for the remaining year of Horizon 2020. Further Information and Agenda Schlagwörter: Final Call, Funding Opportunities, Horizon 2020

ERC Grants Information Event

14-06-2019, 11:30–14:00 in Manno ERC Grants fund excellent, ground-breaking individual research projects carried out by promising, excellent scientists, and are open to any discipline from any scientific field, with no pre-defined topics, nor thematic priorities. Schlagwörter: ERC Grants Information Event