Horizon Europe – ‘Cluster 4 – Digital, Industry & Space‘ and ‘Digital Europe Programme (DEP)’

18-12-2020, 10:15 – 12:00 (online-event) HORIZON EUROPE is the next and 9th European Research and Innovation Framework Programme which will replace the current programme Horizon 2020. Horizon Europe is proposed as the most ambitious European Research and Innovation Programme ever and might provide a total budget of up to €100 billion for 2021 -2027. After […]

Save the Date: „Horizon Europe for Switzerland“ – National Information Event

This online event will take place on 17-18 February 2021. Save the date for the Swiss National Information Event on Horizon Europe, the 9th European Framework Programme for research and innovation. On Wednesday 17 February 2021 (9:30-11:30), you will learn more about „What is in it for Switzerland“ with high level speakers. On Thursday 18 […]

Innosuisse NTN Innovation Booster: Webinar für Gesuchstellende und Interessierte

15. Dez. 2020, 15.30 – 17.30 Uhr Die zweite Ausschreibung der NTN Innovation Booster von Innosuisse ist eröffnet. In diesem neuen Programm werden Interessengemeinschaften gefördert, die ein bestimmtes Innovationsthema in der Schweiz vorantreiben. Die erste Durchführung war ein voller Erfolg – auch mit aktiver ZHAW-Beteiligung – und nun sind per 26. März 2021 die nächsten […]

Horizon Europe in a Nutshell

Are you curious to know what comes after Horizon 2020? Get a first impression of the main components of the new EU framework programme for research and innovation during our short info event on 10 December 2020, 10:00 – 11:30. The event is taking place online and is open to all persons working in Switzerland. […]

HORIZON EUROPE Information Event on Space, Climate and Environmental Observation

        26-11-2020, 13:00–16:00 (zoom)       In this event you will get information on: What is new in Horizon Europe? Pillar 2 – Cluster 4 Digital, Industry and Space (topic SPACE) Pillar 2 – Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility (topic CLIMATE) Pillar 2 – Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, […]

European Cybersecurity Challenges (Online Event)

This Swiss Innovation Briefing discusses how the European Commission aims to improve the EU’s cybersecurity capacity. It is organised by the Mission of Switzerland to the EU, SwissCore and the National Research Council of Italy. The focus of this briefing will be on the Cybersecurity Competence Center and the integration of cybersecurity into the upcoming […]

European Joint Programme Rare Diseases – für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften

Eingabefrist: 16.02.2021 Das European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases lanciert eine neue Ausschreibung für geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung. Interessierte können ihre Projektskizzen bis im Februar einreichen. Eine seltene Erkrankung kann die unterschiedlichsten Lebensbereiche von Grund auf verändern. Patientinnen und Patienten sehen sich nebst gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen genauso mit psychologischen, sozialen oder wirtschaftlichen Folgen konfrontiert. Solchen Fragen […]

Webinar for Smart and Sustainable Aviation

SESAR JU offers a webinar on „Smart and sustainable solutions for greener Air traffic management (ATM)“. The webinar will take place on 19 November, 14:30-16:00. This webinar focuses on SESAR solutions aiming to provide Europe’s airports with a greener, cleaner and quieter operating environment. You can find more information and the registration page here. Schlagwörter: […]