Social Sciences and the Humanities: Horizon Europe Info Day, Brokerage Event & Proposal Check Workshop

  Together with the Brokerage Event & Info Day on 18 January 2023 , an associated Proposal Check Workshop on 19 January 2023 will be held for applicants. The Proposal Check Workshop is for applicants who already have a draft proposal ready for one of the topics of Cluster 2 in 2023, and should be […]

Die ZHAW an der UN-Klimakonferenz „COP27“ in Sharm El-Sheikh

English version see below Auch dieses Jahr war die ZHAW wieder an der Klimaverhandlung vertreten, diesmal mit Raphaela Kotsch, Mitarbeiterin am Zentrum für Energie und Umwelt der School of Management and Law. Sie hat ein Side Event zu Kohlestoffmärkten unter dem Pariser Abkommen mitorganisiert. Letztes Jahr, auf der COP26 in Glasgow, wurde entschieden, dass man […]

SSH in Horizon Europe: Cluster 2 Work Programme Published, Information Day and Brokerage Event Planned

Calling all researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities! The ‚work programme‘ (or list of new calls for grants available in Horizon Europe) has just been published for Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity, and Inclusive Society.  An Information Day will be held to give you more details about these calls and how to apply to them […]

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges Info Session

2022 MSCA Staff Exchanges call for proposals: Learn about the Action’s main features, impact and the application process Does your organisation need to consolidate its research and innovation capacity through international staff exchanges?   Then the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff ExchangesSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN••• Action is for you! The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)Search for […]

Information Event on Horizon Europe Calls for 2023 and 2024 in Industry, Digital and Space

The European Commission is expected to shortly publish details on calls for the upcoming two years in most areas of Horizon Europe. Swiss National Contact Points for Horizon Europe “Cluster 4” on Industry, Digital and Space will inform on these new funding opportunities on 15 December 2022. Join this 1.5h online event to get an overview of […]

EU Brokerage Event on KETs Clusters 4 & 5 (Batteries)

The EU brokerage event on industrial Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) in Horizon Europe will take place on 10 November 2022 in Strasbourg, France. The event will target upcoming calls 2023-2024 in the following thematic fields: – Pillar 2: Cluster 4 and Cluster 5 (destination 2 – Batteries value Chain) – EIC (European Innovation Council) – […]

MARVIS – Multidisciplinary Applied Research Ventures in Space: Call for proposals 2022

The Ordinance on the Promotion of National Activities in the Space Sector (NASO), adopted by the Federal Council, entered into force on 1 February 2022. NASO foresees grants to support consortia projects in Multidisciplinary Applied Research Ventures in Space (MARVIS). Based on NASO, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) launches the present call through a […]

Clean Energy Transition Partnership: Europäische Ausschreibung für Projektskizzen

Eingabefrist: 23.11.2022 Die Clean Energy Transition Partnership lanciert eine länderübergreifende Ausschreibung. Schweizer Forschende sind teilnahmeberechtigt und können damit zur europäischen Energiewende beitragen. Die Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) ist eine länderübergreifende Initiative zur gemeinsamen Planung von Forschung, technologischer Entwicklung und Innovation (RTDI) mit dem Ziel, die Energiewende beschleunigen. Die Initiative baut auf regionalen und nationalen […]

Collaborative Funding Call SDGs: Förderung der UNO-Nachhaltigkeitsziele

Eingabefrist: 25.08.2022 Der SNF beteiligt sich mit zehn Förderorganisationen von vier Kontinenten an einer Pilotausschreibung. Neueste Forschungsresultate sollen zum Erreichen der UNO-Nachhaltigkeitsziele (SDG) beitragen. Schlagwörter: Collaborative Funding Call SDGs: Förderung der UNO-Nachhaltigkeitsziele, Pilotausschreibung SNF