EU Brokerage Event on Digital & Industrial Technologies, Mobility, OITB & M-ERA.NET

Inspiring plenary sessions and targeted 1:1 meetings promises new European cooperation and proposals. The match-making event brings together stakeholders from a large number of European countries. This is a unique opportunity to generate European funded projects. Further information about thematic focus and participation Schlagwörter: Digital & Industrial Technologies, EU Brokerage Event, Matchmaking Event, mobility, OITB&M-ERA.NET – Funding Opportunities is a centralised platform showcasing scientific and technological cooperation opportunities between Switzerland and the rest of the world. Launched by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) in collaboration with Swissnex, the new platform aims to facilitate collaboration in research and innovation by providing researchers, higher education institutions and innovators with […]

Das Los kann entscheiden, wenn es eng wird

Nach einer Pilotphase führt der SNF das Losverfahren als Möglichkeit in allen Förderinstrumenten ein. Es kann zur Anwendung kommen, wenn sich einzelne Gesuche bei der Evaluation nicht weiter differenzieren lassen. Schlagwörter: neue Methode zur Beurteilung der Qualität von Forschungsprojekten, neues Losverfahren beim SNF

Brazil – Swiss bilateral Call 2021 for R&D proposals

The innovation promotion agency of Brasil, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial (EMBRAPI) and the Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse) are happy to announce their collaboration for 2021 to fund joint innovation projects between Switzerland and Brazil. Schlagwörter: Brazil-Swiss bilateral call 2021, EMBRAPI, R&D, TechMaker Call 2021

Online Event on Artificial Intelligence in Aviation

This FLY AI webinar, organised by the SESAR JU and taking place on 23 March 2021 from 14:00 – 15:30, brings together a panel of experts to present ongoing cutting-edge research and innovation (R&I) in artificial intelligence (AI) in aviation. More information and registration Schlagwörter: Fly AI, Online Event on Artificial Intelligence in Aviation, Sesar […]

Drone-Days 2.0 Matchmaking Event

Increase your research and innovation network and get insights on Horizon Europe with the Drone-Days 2.0 Matchmaking Event, 22 October 2020, online. This matchmaking event brings participants new opportunities to further develop their business in a competitive way, via the civil and commercial application and use of drones. This event is ideal for security players, […]

Watch Now: Horizon 2020 Cybersecurity Webinar

A webinar on the last cybersecurity funding opportunities in Horizon 2020 is now available online. It focuses on topics with deadline on 27 August 2020. Schlagwörter: cybersecurity funding opportunities in Horizon 2020, webinar horizon 2020

New Platform for Citizen Science Launched

EU-Citizen.Science is an online platform for sharing knowledge, tools, training and resources for citizen science – by the community, for the community. EU-Citizen.Science is hosted by a corresponding Science with and for Society project, which has received funding under Horizon 2020. The platform aims to foster the mainstreaming of citizen science, and builds on the […]

Intellectual Property, Artifical Intelligence and Digitalisation – Two Upcoming Webinars

Follow the next upcoming European intellectual property (IP) Helpdesk webinars for you to learn about IP management for digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI). You can find here dates and topics of the IP Helpdesk webinars: 7 May 2020 – IP Management and Digitalisation 13 May 2020 – IP and Artificial Intelligence Schlagwörter: AI, Artifical Intelligence […]

Webinar on Funding for Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Transport Projects – ELENA

03-06-2020, 10:00 – 11:00 in Bern The funding programme ELENA is the right opportunity for you if you are a public or private entity pursuing an energy efficiency or sustainable transport project. This event provides information about the funding programme “European Local Energy Assistance” (ELENA). ELENA provides grants for implementation projects focused of energy efficiency, […]