
Indo-Swiss Joint Research Programme in the Social Sciences – Call for Projects now open

The Indo-Swiss joint research programme in the Social Sciences is designed to encourage and initiate research collaborations between Swiss and Indian social scientists on topics of mutual interests with the aim to intensify interaction between scholars and research institutions of the two countries as to promote sustainable bilateral collaboration. Schlagwörter: Ausschreibung, Indo-Swiss

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SNIS-Call for Projects 2015

The Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) launches its Call for Projects The SNIS offers project grants for pluri-disciplinary research teams. The project grants run for two years and range from 100’000 to 300’000 Swiss Francs. Eligible institutions of Swiss higher education and research ( can submit project proposals that qualify as: Schlagwörter: Ausschreibungen, SNIS


IBH-Tagung Wissenschaftskommunikation

07.11.2014, Universität St. Gallen (HSG) Mit der Tagung Wissenschaftskommunikation möchte die IBH-AG Kommunikation aktuelle Trends in der Wissenschaftskommunikation – auch anhand von Best-Practise-Beispielen – vorstellen und diskutieren. Wie Wissenschaftskommunikation erfolgreich gemessen werden kann – insbesondere beim Einsatz von digitalen Medien – ist ebenfalls ein wichtiger Aspekt, der berücksichtigt wird. Diskutiert wird auch, ob die Vermittlung […]

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COST – New Actions with Swiss Participation

28 new Actions for Swiss-based researchers On July 7th, 2014, the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI decided the participation of Switzerland in 28 new COST Actions. Switzerland-based researchers interested in either of these research topics, can address themselves, for the scientific questions to the Swiss contact of the Action concerned, and for […]