Die ZHAW an der UN-Klimakonferenz „COP27“ in Sharm El-Sheikh

English version see below Auch dieses Jahr war die ZHAW wieder an der Klimaverhandlung vertreten, diesmal mit Raphaela Kotsch, Mitarbeiterin am Zentrum für Energie und Umwelt der School of Management and Law. Sie hat ein Side Event zu Kohlestoffmärkten unter dem Pariser Abkommen mitorganisiert. Letztes Jahr, auf der COP26 in Glasgow, wurde entschieden, dass man […]

SSH in Horizon Europe: Cluster 2 Work Programme Published, Information Day and Brokerage Event Planned

Calling all researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities! The ‘work programme’ (or list of new calls for grants available in Horizon Europe) has just been published for Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity, and Inclusive Society.  An Information Day will be held to give you more details about these calls and how to apply to them […]

Call for applications: 4 months research grant in Washington D.C.

In 2023 the Europa Institut at the University of Zurich offers, with support by the Swiss Government (SBFI), and in cooperation with the BMW Center for German and European Studies (CGES) at Georgetown University, two research grants. For four months, two Swiss Fellows will get the chance to frame their research at the CGES in […]

Leading House South Asia and Iran: Eine von Bundesrat Guy Parmelin geleitete Delegation auf Staatsvisite in Indien

English version see below «Das persönliche Kennenlernen und die persönliche Beziehung sind wichtig in Indien» Seit 2017 fördert die ZHAW im Auftrag des Staatssekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation (SBFI) als Leading House South Asia and Iran die bilateralen Forschungsbeziehungen zwischen der Schweiz und den neun Mandatsländern. Anfang Oktober 2022 war eine von Bundesrat Guy […]

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges Info Session

2022 MSCA Staff Exchanges call for proposals: Learn about the Action’s main features, impact and the application process Does your organisation need to consolidate its research and innovation capacity through international staff exchanges?   Then the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff ExchangesSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN••• Action is for you! The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)Search for […]

Young Researchers’ Exchange Programme – National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

Are you interested in applying for the Young Researchers’ Exchange Programme with Korea in 2023? The S&T Office at the Swiss Embassy in Seoul organizes a Zoom webinar on the Young Researchers’ Exchange Programme with South Korea to inform interested doctoral students about this funding opportunity. Date: 5 December 2022Time: 9 am CET Young researchers […]

Information Event on Horizon Europe Calls for 2023 and 2024 in Industry, Digital and Space

The European Commission is expected to shortly publish details on calls for the upcoming two years in most areas of Horizon Europe. Swiss National Contact Points for Horizon Europe “Cluster 4” on Industry, Digital and Space will inform on these new funding opportunities on 15 December 2022. Join this 1.5h online event to get an overview of […]

JSPS-fellowships 2023

Are you interested in taking your research to Japan and working with leading groups in Japanese universities and other institutions? The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) is offering Postdoctoral Fellowships for Overseas Researchers to citizens and permanent residents of Switzerland, who are currently affiliated to a Swiss institution. All fields of the […]

Swiss TPH: Open Calls – Research Partnership Grant I

  Leading House (LH) Africa is calling for applications for Research Partnership Grant I from advanced PhD students and early postdoctoral researchers affiliated with a Swiss Institution of Higher Education [1]. The goal of this instrument is to further develop, consolidate and expand relations and foster new collaborations between Swiss researchers and partners in Africa. […]

Biodiversa+-Ausschreibung: Monitoring von Biodiversität und Ökosystemwandel

Eingabefrist: 09.11.2022 Neue Ausschreibung von Biodiversa+: Mit dem BiodivMon Call werden Projekte zum besseren länderübergreifenden Monitoring der Biodiversität und des Ökosystemwandels gesucht. Eingabe der obligatorischen Projektskizzen bis 9.11.2022. Biodiversa+ ist eine neue, von der EU mitfinanzierte Biodiversitätspartnerschaft, um exzellente Forschung zur biologischen Vielfalt mit Auswirkungen für Politik und Gesellschaft zu unterstützen. Ziel der Partnerschaft ist […]