Smart Health Conference and Partnering Event

29-06-2017, 08:30–16:00 in Zürich The Enterprise Europe Network invites you to participate in the Smart Health conference and partnering event taking place in Zürich on 29 June 2017. The focus is on virtual/augmented reality, digitalization/big data, convergence between ICT, medtech and pharma, interfaces, devices and sensors. More Information & Registration Schlagwörter: Smart Health conference

Do not Miss the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) European Brokerage Event!

Join Europe’s largest event on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on 20 June 2017 at the Palais de la Musique et des Congrès in Strasbourg, and find business partners for your projects and technological cooperation. This brokerage event is co-organised by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Alsace and ERTICO-ITS Europe in the frame of the 12th ITS […]

SAVE THE DATE: Swiss Space Industry Day 2017 on 16-17 June 2017 in Lausanne

The aim of these Swiss Space Industry Days is to provide up-to-date information to current and potential stakeholders on the various European institutional programmes as well as a platform to exchange experiences on the fast changing space landscape having an impact on business and cooperation models, industrial processes, standards and technologies. More Information and Registration: […]

ERA.Net RUS Plus – Call for Evaluators 2017

Do you have experience in European-Russian research cooperation? Are you interested in the evaluation of ‘S&T’ and ‘innovation’ projects? We are looking for independent experts to participate in the evaluation of the ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017. More informations: Schlagwörter: Call for Evaluators, ERA.Net RUS

BRIDGE: Erste Proof of Concept-Projekte bereit für den Start

Bei der ersten Ausschreibung von BRIDGE Proof of Concept haben 101 junge Forschende ihre Projekte eingegeben. SNF und KTI fördern 11 innovative Ideen. BRIDGE Proof of Concept unterstützt junge Forschende dabei, ihre erzielten wissenschaftlichen Resultate in eine Anwendung umzusetzen und dabei den Schritt in die Wirtschaftspraxis zu wagen.  Bei dieser ersten Ausschreibung wurden 101 Gesuche […]

Bionnale 2017 Networking Event: 17-05-2017, 10:00–18:00 in Berlin

BIONNALE is the largest networking event for life sciences and healthcare industries in the German capital region. The partnering event, pre-arranged face-to-face meetings, supported by the Enterprise Europe Network aims to initiate R&D, technological and commercial collaborations between organisations from different countries and sectors. The focus of the event is on biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical […]

TAP Conference 2017: 15-16 November 2017, Zürich, Switzerland

International Transport and Air Pollution Conferences have been held since 1986 in Graz (Austria), Zurich (Switzerland), Avignon, Reims, Toulouse and Lyon (France), Boulder (Colorado, USA) and Thessaloniki (Greece). After the 2016 conference in Lyon, this 22nd TAP conference will take place in Zurich (Switzerland) again. The aim of the symposium is to bring together scientists, […]

IBH-Calls 2018

Die Internationale Bodensee-Hochschule IBH fördert grenzüberschreitende Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte sowie Aus- und Weiterbilungsangebote. Für das Jahr 2018 ist die Einreichung von Projektanträgen zu folgenden Kategorien möglich: Initialprojekte: Projekte zu “Innovationen in der Lehre”: Regionalprojekte: Eingabefrist für Projektanträge ist der 1. Juni 2017. Die Einreichung erfolgt über das Antrags- und abrechnungstool PADUA  ( Die erforderlichen Zugangsdaten […]

Partner Search for a Second Stage NMBP Proposal

Wanted: polymer electrolyte membranes manufacturer. A consortium of materials developers and suppliers, device manufacturers and system integrator are looking for a polymer electrolyte membranes manufacturer sought for prototyping and testing in a Horizon 2020 2nd stage proposal  within call deadline on 4 May 2017. Further Information: Schlagwörter: NMBP Proposal, polymer electrolyte

The Sixth Clean Sky Call For Proposals To Be Launched Soon

The list of topics is already available on the Clean Sky website The final call text document serving as the foundation for any application to this Call will be published via the H2020 Participant Portal. List of topics, participant portal and Clean Sky Website you will find here: Schlagwörter: CFP06, Clean Sky 2