First Call open in the Frame of SUDAC

SUDAC, the swissuniversities development and cooperation network, seeks targeted support for collaboration between the various types of Swiss higher education institutions and their partners in developing and transition countries in order to achieve an excellent standard of education, research and innovation on global challenges. Schlagwörter: Collaboration, Cooperation, Global challenges, Higher Education Institutions, Sustainable Development

Logo KTI 2012

Bundesrat vereinheitlicht die Ausrichtung von Overheadbeiträgen der KTI

Der Bundesrat hat am 16. November 2016 die Änderung des Beitragsreglements der Kommission für Technologie und Innovation (KTI) genehmigt. Sie wurde auf den 1. Januar 2017 in Kraft gesetzt. Die KTI wird neu bei den von ihr geförderten Projekten die indirekten Kosten (Overhead) der Forschungsstätten für alle einheitlich abgelten. Mit der Einführung des neuen Systems […]


Get Involved in the Next Horizon 2020 Health Proposals and Meet your Future Partners

The EU NCP Project Health NCP Net 2.0 together with Enterprise Europe Network in Croatia will organise an international brokerage event on Horizon 2020 „Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing“ calls on 19 January 2017 in Zagreb. Schlagwörter: Brokerage Event, demographic change, EU Horizon 2020, Health, wellbeing

SNF englisch

System Learning and Visual Analytics – New CHIST-ERA Calls

The CHIST-ERA 2016 call will address the ICT topics „Lifelong Learning for Intelligent Systems“ and „Visual Analytics for Decision Making under Uncertainty“. Swiss entities are eligible for participation and funding in this programme. The submission deadline is 17 January 2017, 17:00. Schlagwörter: Ausschreibung SNF, CHIST-ERA, ICT


Thematic Webinar: Calls in the Horizon 2020 Energy Work Programme

30-11-2016, 10:00–11:00 This Webinar will present the topics in the Horizon 2020 Energy Work Programme with emphasis on the topics with deadlines in the second and third quarter of 2017.  Wherever available, results and experiences from previous calls will be presented. Participants of this webinar are encouraged to ask questions of general interest before the […]