Horizon 2020 – Webinar on the Research and Innovation Staff Exchange of the MSCA
Interested in receiving information on the MSCA-RISE-2020 call and basics of proposal writing? 05-12-2019, 10:00-11:00 in Bern Schlagwörter: MSCA-RISE-2020, Webinar
Ein Blog der ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
Interested in receiving information on the MSCA-RISE-2020 call and basics of proposal writing? 05-12-2019, 10:00-11:00 in Bern Schlagwörter: MSCA-RISE-2020, Webinar
Im November und Dezember 2019 organisiert der SNF auf seiner Tour de Suisse Informationsanlässe an verschiedenen Hochschulen in Basel, Genf, Lausanne, Lugano und Zürich. Am Nachmittag des 05. Dez. 2019 macht der SNF Halt bei der ZHAW in Winterthur. Schlagwörter: SNF Informationsanlässe, Tour de Suisse 2019
Flexiblere Regeln erleichtern es den Forschungsinstitutionen und Projektleitenden, Mitarbeitende in Projekten anzustellen, die der SNF finanziert. Die Regeln gelten ab Oktober 2019. Schlagwörter: flexiblere Anstellungsregeln
In preparation for the new EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme, the European Commission launched a public consultation on serveral partnerships. Among them, four have a focus on transport and mobility. You are invited, as a representative of Swiss interests, to take part in the public consultation for Horizon Europe. The following focus on transport […]
Don’t miss it: swissuniversities invites you to share your input and ideas to the Swiss Open Science Action Plan With the Open Science Kick-Off Event only a few weeks away, we kindly invite you to submit your project ideas to contribute to the co-creation of the future National Open Science Action Plan for the period […]
29-10-2019, 13:45–17:30 in Bern This event discusses Horizon 2020 funding opportunities within the Science with and for Society programme. It is of special relevance for stakeholders interested in gender, science communication, science education, citizen science, and research integrity. Further Information and Agenda Schlagwörter: Funding Opportunities, Science with and for Society
A French coordinator seeks partners for a submission under Horizon 2020 CE-FNR-09-2020 – “Pilot action for the removal of marine plastics and litter”. Schlagwörter: Prtner Search, Removal of Marine Plastic Sought
Ein interdepartementales Team der ZHAW unter der Leitung von Yann Blumer und Linda Miesler hat im Rahmen des Nationalen Forschungsprogramm 73 «Nachhaltige Wirtschaft» ein Projekt zum Thema Lebensdauerverlängerung für Mobilgeräte akquirieren können. Dies ist schon das zweite Projekt der ZHAW in diesem Forschungsprogramm. Schlagwörter: Nachhaltige Wirtschaft, NFP, NFP73, SNF
The School of Management and Law are preparing a white paper for swissuniversities to help identify how to promote more collaborative work and open innovation at Swiss Higher Education Institutions. Through a Swiss-wide survey, they are seeking opinions on the experience of collaborating in projects with external partners (e.g. private companies, general population, public administrations, […]
September 4, 2019, 10:00 AM – 12, ETH Zurich Hönggerberg, Room HPH G2 Are you keen to implement an innovation project or launch your company and looking for support? Innosuisse can help you. To showcase its latest offers, the Swiss Innovation Agency will be at the ETH Zurich Hönggerberg campus on 4 September 2019 for […]