Call: Kooperationsprojekte mit Russland

Deadline: 18.Oktober 2010

The Scientific and Technological Cooperation Programme with Russia (STCP-CH-RU), being managed by the University of Geneva and the EPFL, received CHF 6.85 million for years 2008-2011.

Today, we are happy to announce the fourth call for exchange projects. The letter of our Vice-rector in charge of this programme is attached. The call is open to all disciplines. Swiss citizens or permanent residents in Switzerland, based in a Swiss university or research institution, can apply. Grants are offered to Faculty members for teaching and to Students for research projects. There is also a possibility to finance exchanges for the use of specific infrastructure, as libraries or special laboratory equipment. The deadline for this call is the 18th of October.

You can find detailed information and documents on the website of the Programme :

Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Irina Niggli ( if you have additional questions.

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