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SNSF Advanced Grants: call expected in mid-August

The SNSF is planning to launch a call for SNSF Advanced Grants in mid-August. They are part of the «Temporary Backup Schemes» and replace the ERC Advanced Grants, from which researchers in Switzerland are currently excluded as a result of the continuing non-association of Switzerland with the European research programme Horizon 2020. Schlagwörter: Ausschreibungen, Horizon […]

Centro Stefano

Conference platform Congressi Stefano Franscini: Call for Proposals 2016 now open

The Congressi Stefano Franscini, confernce platform of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Zurich since 1989, gives the possibility to organize research conferences at Monte Verità, a hilltop over Ascona and lake Maggiore. All researchers and university professors working in Switzerland are invited to submit their proposal for a meeting to be held in […]

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H2020 – Health Info Event

18 September 2014, 16:00 in Lausanne This event will allow you to obtain useful information on how to participate in European research projects within Horizon 2020. More specifically, you will learn about the research topics and upcoming calls in the “Health, demographic change and wellbeing” work programme of the Societal Challenges pillar. Schlagwörter: Euresearch, Horizon […]


45. Planspiel-Welttagung mit Produktmesse 2014 am Bodensee

Von 7.-11. Juli 2014 findet in Dornbirn (Österreich) die internationale Planspiel-Konferenz statt. Die 45. Konferenz der ISAGA (International Simulation And Gaming Association) ist nur alle 10-15 Jahre im deutschsprachigen Raum und wird diesmal vom deutschen, österreichischen und schweizerischen Fachverband (SAGSAGA) mitorganisiert. Die ausrichtende FH Vorarlberg ist Österreichs führende Hochschule im Einsatz von Planspielen in der […]