Hasler Stiftung

The Hasler Foundation Launches a Competition

The Hasler Foundation is inviting interested parties in Switzerland to design a grand challenge in the area where the foundation has its mission, namely information and communications technology. They are not asking parties to provide the solutions yet, just the challenge. If a party’s grand challenge is selected, they can still participate. The grand challenge […]

European Commission

FET Open and FET Proactive Information Day

25 January 2016, 08:30–17:15 in Brussels  This event targets potential applicants for the call for Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and for Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) under FET Open and FET Proactive under the topic „Emerging themes and communities“. The FET Open calls for Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and for Coordination and Support […]

European Commission

Forum on „Better Research for Better Health“

21 January 2016 in Brussels The European Commission’s Scientific Panel for Health (SPH) organises a Forum on „Better Research for Better Health“. The SPH is a unique group of experts from across Europe that advises the European Commission on long-term challenges and bottlenecks in the health research domain, and on the potential solutions to them. […]

The Entrepreneur Club

Verleihung Entrepreneur Award 2016

Bis am 12. Februar 2016 haben die Schweizer Fachhochschulen die Möglichkeit, zwei sehr gute Abschlussarbeiten (Bachelor-, MBA-, DAS-, MAS- oder EMBA-Arbeiten) in deutscher oder englischer Sprache aus dem Leader- und /oder Entrepreneurship (Betriebswirtschaftslehre) einzureichen. Nebst der Arbeit muss Folgendes eingereicht werden: Management Summary (ca. 2000 Zeichen) (deutsch oder englisch) Kontaktdaten der/des Studierenden Schlagwörter: Enterepreneur Award, […]

ERA SynBio

Joint Call on Industrial Technology

A cooperation between ERA-IB-2 (ERA-Net Industrial Biotechnology 2) and ERASynBio and ERA-MBT (ERA-Net Marine Biotechnology). ERA-IB-2 (ERA-Net Industrial Biotechnology 2) launches, in cooperation with ERASynBio and ERA-MBT (ERA-Net Marine Biotechnology), a seventh international joint call for multilateral research projects using Industrial Biotechnology (IB). The main purpose of this call is to generate joint European research […]