Übersicht über die Deadlines offener Calls bei der EPFL (SNF, EU, ETH-Bereich)
Swiss-South African Joint Research Programm (SSAJRP) Austauschprogramm
Frist: Anträge werden laufend entgegengenommen,
Link zum SSAJRP-Austauschprogramm
Link zu ZHAW-Infoveranstaltung am 15.03.2010
Next health call with a budget of 650mio Euros will be published in July 2010
deadlines to submit proposals will be October and November 2010. Should you wish to read the entire topic description of a specific topic in the work programme, please contact Dr. Philipp Langer at the State Secretariat for Education and Research (Swiss programme committee member Health): Philipp.Langer@sbf.admin.ch.
ESF common call for proposals 2010 Each year, the European Science Foundation (ESF) announces a series of calls for proposals which will give the opportunity to propose collaborative research projects and networking activities with a European dimension. The annual calls span all fields of science through four main funding instruments. The ESF common call for proposals leaflet for 2010 is now available.
Leaflets can be found online at: http://www.esf.org/publications
The Call can be found online at: http://www.esf.org/calls
Harkness/Careum Fellowship in Health Care Policy and Practice
Frist 10.September 2010, Link zum Programm
AAL- call, ICT-based Solutions for Advancement of Older Persons’
Frist: 30. Juli 2010, Link zur Ausschreibung, Link zu BBT Informationen
EU-DRIVERS annual conference, 17 November in Barcelona
EU-DRIVERS is a project designed to improve regional cooperation between universities, private sector companies and regional governments in order to enhance the innovation capacities of European universities. More information at www.eu-drivers.eu .