14-06-2019, 11:30–14:00 in Manno

ERC Grants fund excellent, ground-breaking individual research projects carried out by promising, excellent scientists, and are open to any discipline from any scientific field, with no pre-defined topics, nor thematic priorities.

Types of ERC Grants:

  • Starting Grants: for researchers with 2-7 years of experience after PhD. Indicative deadline: October 2019
  • Consolidator Grants: researchers with 7-12 years of experience after PhD. Indicative deadline: February 2020
  • Advanced Grants: established researchers leaders in their respective field. Deadline: 30 August 2019/ indicative deadline: summer 2020
  • Synergy Grants: for 2-4 outstanding PIs with complimentary background. Indicative deadline: Autumn 2019

Further information

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