2022 Academia-Industry Training (AIT) Singapore

The Leading House Asia, in collaboration with Venturelab, has launched the “2022 Academia-Industry Training (AIT) Singapore”. The program connects scientists from Switzerland and Singapore and supports them in transforming their applied research into market applications with entrepreneurial potential. Be part of the 10 Swiss “Sciencepreneurs” who will bring their project to the next level. Join […]

Academia-Industry Training India 2022

Discover the market potential of your applied research project in India. Join 10 other scientific entrepreneurs to  discover the Indian market with your research project. The two most promising projects will win CHF 10,000 to grow their businesses. Further information at ZHAW Leading Houses South Asia and Iran, swissnex India and Venturelab. Apply until June […]


Von der Idee zum erfolgreichen Startup

Venturelab führt seit 2005 den Semesterkurs “venture challenge” an der ZHAW durch. So auch wieder in diesem Semester. Ziel des Kurses ist es, Hochschulangehörige beim Aufbau eines Startups zu unterstützen. Sie bringen also Ihre eigene Geschäftsidee in den Kurs und werden während einem Semester von erfahrenen UnternehmerInnen und Investoren trainiert. Schlagwörter: Startup, Venturelab, Veranstaltung