Horizon 2020 ICT Applicant Training

12-02-2020, 09:30–17:00 in Bern If you are involved or coordinating an ICT proposal for the deadline of April 2020, this ICT Applicant Training is for you. You will get a thorough overview over the structure of ICT Horizon 2020 proposal, learn how proposals are evaluated and get the opportunity to immerse yourself in selected aspects […]

Innovations-Apéro: Citizen Science – wenn Laien forschen

Mit Citizen Science (Bürgerwissenschaft) wird eine Form von Wissenschaft bezeichnet, bei der Projekte unter Mithilfe oder komplett von interessierten Laien durchgeführt werden. In England und den USA ist Citizen Science weit verbreitet, in der Schweiz besteht noch grosses Potential. Auch Startups können diese Methode einsetzen, z.B. für die Marktforschung oder die Verhaltensforschung im Umgang mit […]

75. SICTIC Investor Day im Technopark Winterthur

The SICTIC Investor Day is a matchmaking event where ICT startups pitch to find experienced investors and supporters. SICTIC encourage startups that fulfil the investment criteria to submit their projects and apply to pitch for funding at a SICTIC Investor Day. They offer this service as well as the pitching at one of the events […]

Partner Search for Horizon 2020 Topic on Education and Inequalities

A group of Belgian universities is looking for (coordinating) partners for a proposal submission under TRANSFORMATIONS-22-2020: Enhancing access and uptake of education to reverse inequalities. Researchers from Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, UC Leuven-Limburg and Ghent University are planning to participate with a proposal under the following topic: TRANSFORMATION-22-2020: Enhancing access and uptake of education […]

Apply now to the GSPI’s call for projects, the Impact Collaboration Programme (ICP)

The Geneva ecosystem gathers a rich variety of International Organizations, NGOs, foundations, networks, academic institutions and private sector actors that, together, have the potential to design impactful solutions to some of the most complex challenges of the 21st century. The Geneva Science-Policy Interface supports this work by facilitating opportunities for collaboration and partnership between Geneva-based […]

Horizon 2020 ICT – Information and Networking Event

07-02-2020, 16:00 in Neuchâtel This event provides the latest information on the funding opportunities in the Horizon 2020 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Work Programme 2018-2020 and presents testimonials of successful applicants. The scope ranges from robotics, artificial intelligence, photonics technologies, cloud computing, 5G, to next generation internet. The event also aims to gather the […]

8. Swiss Green Economy Symposium am 01.09.2020

Seit 2013 ist das Swiss Green Economy Symposium (SGES) der umfassendste Anlass für Wirtschaft und Nachhaltigkeit in der Schweiz und ist Treffpunkt für rund 1000 Entscheider, Umsetzer und Innovatoren aus Wirtschaft, Politik & Verwaltung, Wissenschaft und NGOs. Nutzen Sie diese Chancen und treten Sie in Kontakt mit 1000 hochinteressierten Besuchern. Die Teilnehmenden der SGES Symposien […]

IMI2 – Call 20 Topics, Webinar Registration Open

IMI2 – Call 20 includes topics on cancer, tuberculosis, psoriasis, vaccines and more and offers webinars from 22 to 31 January 2020. There are webinars on all call topics as well as IMI’s rules and procedures and opportunities for SMEs in IMI2 – Call 20. More Information and Registration (registration is free but obligatory via […]

Gain Access to Over 30 Marine Stations for Free!

ASSEMBLE Plus offers access to over 30 marine stations and institutes in 15 countries across Europe for basic and applied research in the marine science field. The 6th call for Transnational Access is now open until 9 February 2020. More information Schlagwörter: ASSEMBLE Plus, marine science, Transnational Access