Green Deal Online Brokerage Event for Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts

The event offers networking opportunities and focuses on those areas of the Green Deal call which are of specific interest for researchers from the Social Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts (SSHA). The event is organised by Net4Society, the network of National Contact Points for SSHA. It discusses the policy context for the Green Deal Call […]

6. Call des Förderprogramms „First Ventures“ mit Deadline am 13.11.2020

Die Gebert Rüf Stiftung und swissuniversities lancieren die sechste Ausschreibung von «First Ventures», dem Förderprogramm für junge Fachhochschulabsolvent*innen, die ein Start-up gründen möchten. Gesuche können ab sofort auf dem First Ventures Webportal eingereicht werden. Gewinnerprojekte erhalten bis zu CHF 150’000. Weitere Informationen hier.. Schlagwörter: Absolventen, Absolventinnen, Fachhochschulen, First Ventures, Gebert Rüf Stiftung, Geschäftsidee, start-up

Lessons Learned of Horizon 2020 – Outlook on Horizon Europe

28-10-2020, 10:30 – 11:30 This webinar targets collaborative research and innovation with the involvement of Social Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts.It highlights lessons learned in Horizon 2020 with a focus on the Societal Challenge 6: Inclusive Societies. Furthermore, potential funding opportunities under the Green Deal Call and Horizon Europe (2021–2027) will be discussed. Further Information […]

Euresearch -e-Alerts – Horizon 2020 Green Deal Call Published

Check Out 20 Call Topics Contributing to a Climate-Neutral Europe. The last top-down call of Horizon 2020, worth nearly €1 billion, has been published in the form of an update to the „Cross-cutting activities“ Work Programme (starting on p. 62). The call includes selected topics in all areas of the Green Deal policy, including for […]


Sinergia fördert die Zusammenarbeit von zwei bis vier Gesuchstellenden, die interdisziplinär und mit Aussicht auf bahnbrechende Erkenntnisse forschen („breakthrough research“). Nächste Eingabefrist: 1.12.2020. Mit interdisziplinärer Forschung ist Forschung über Disziplinengrenzen hinweg gemeint. Die angestrebten Forschungsziele erfordern die Integration von Elementen (Theorien, Methoden, Konzepten, etc.) aus zwei oder mehr Disziplinen. Alle involvierten Disziplinen weisen eine vergleichbare […]

Biovision and Agropolis: Shift Prize for Transformative Agroecological Research for Development

This prize aims to recognize collaborative research for development projects and initiatives that have made an exemplary contribution to agro-ecological transformation of food systems through their transdisciplinary research for development actions. The call for applications is open until 11th January 2021. The prizes will be awarded in April 2021. Further information and application.. Schlagwörter: agro-ecological […]

Call for papers: Dynamic Urban Centers and Sustainable Mountain Development

Mountain Research and Development is looking for papers that help understand urbanization in mountains and emerging new relations between rural mountain areas and urban centers in and outside mountains. Papers that propose ways of shaping these transformation processes to increase sustainability, as well as synthesis and comparative studies across several mountain regions are also highly […]

REPIC: Annual deadline for project outlines and proposals

Are you developing an innovative project, designed to meet the needs of a developing or transition country? Does it involve Swiss technology and knowhow transfer in the renewable energy, resource or energy efficiency fields? REPIC is partially financing new, sustainable and effective small-scale projects from Swiss organisations with high replication potential. Next deadline: 22 November […]