Save the Dates: Cluster 6 Information Days and Brokerage Event

The second edition of the Information Days for Cluster 6 (Food, Bioeconomy, Natural resources, Agriculture and Environment) will take place on 25 and 26 October 2021. The aim is to present the 77 open topics of the Horizon Europe Cluster 6 2022 calls and to stimulate participation. The Information Days will be followed by an online […]

Cluster 1 Health – Online Info Day and Brokerage Event

The Health Info Day aims to inform (potential) applicants about topics included in the Cluster 1 Health Work Programme of 2022. The online event takes place on 28 October 2021 and requires no registration. The Info Day is followed by an online brokerage event on 29 October 2021, to which registration is needed. More information […]

The 5 Horizon Europe Missions Have Published Their Implementation Plans

Within the clusters of pillar II, Horizon Europe incorporates Missions to increase the effectiveness of funding by pursuing clearly defined targets with a concrete impact on citizen’s daily lives. The 5 defined Missions are related to cancer, carbon-neutral cities, climate change, oceans and waters, and soil health. They are co-designed with citizens, stakeholders, the European Parliament and Member States. In September […]

SNF-Forschungsrat: Fachausschuss-Präsident und fünf Mitglieder gewählt

Andreas Mayer präsidiert ab Oktober 2021 den Fachausschuss Interdisziplinäre Forschung des Nationalen Forschungsrats des SNF. Der Nationale Forschungsrat evaluiert die eingereichten Forschungsprojekte und entscheidet über deren Finanzierung. Er setzt sich aus maximal 100 führenden Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern zusammen. Gewählt werden die Mitglieder durch den Ausschuss des SNF-Stiftungsrats. Zu den weiteren neuen Mitgliedern.. Schlagwörter: Nationaler Forschungsrat, […]

IMI impact on patient involvement – Event

This online information event, taking place on 07 October 2021, will focus on IMI’s impact on patient involvement. It will explore key challenges of these projects and demonstrate how IMI contributed. IMI projects are developing resources and showcasing best practices when it comes to the question of how and when best involve patients in research. […]

Bringing Value to Agrobiomass- 2nd edition

Matchmaking Meetings: November 3-4, 2021 at 10:00-16:00 CET and Webinar: October 27, 2021 at 11:00-13:00 Meet potential cooperation partners or technology providers in this online 1:1 meetings focused on how to create value from agrobiomass and side streams from food production. This online matchmaking event the second of its kind and part of the EU-funded project AgroBioHeat […]

Horizon Europe: SNSF transitional measures starting October

Switzerland is currently a non-associated third country in relation to the EU’s Horizon research and innovation programme. Based on a government mandate, the SNSF has set up transitional measures to support researchers. On behalf of the federal government, the SNSF has introduced a transitional measure – the SNSF Advanced Grants – for those who intended […]

Mobility info event – European funding opportunities in 2022

02 Nov 2021, 10:00 – 12:00, virtual event Horizon Europe offers unprecedented funding opportunities for research and innovation in Mobility. Follow this event if you want to know what funding is available in 2022. You also have the possibility to meet your advisor for European funding for a personal discussion. Further information and registration Schlagwörter: […]