Interim evaluation of Horizon 2020 and direction of FP9

Position of Switzerland. State Secretarial for Education, Research and Innovation Participation in the European Framework Programs is one of the priorities of Swiss science policy. The EU Framework Programs are an important funding source for Swiss researchers and innovators, as well as a strategic element for research promotion for universities in Switzerland. Horizon 2020 is […]

The Horizon 2020 SME Instrument opens to Switzerland!

What you should know about the SME Instrument in Horizon 2020. As of 1 January 2017, the family of associated countries that are able to fully participate in Horizon 2020 opened also to Switzerland. Consequently, Swiss companies can benefit from the SME Instrument programme, from which they were excluded until now. Find below a package […]

Horizon 2020: Associated!

Swiss National Conference 14-03-2017, 09:30–16:30 in Bern As of 1 January 2017 until 31 December 2020 Switzerland is associated to the entire Horizon 2020, and Swiss legal entities are automatically eligible for funding and may count towards the minimum number of participants required for a project. Euresearch organises a national Information Event on Horizon 2020, […]

Erste Ausschreibung BRIDGE Discovery

Die Kommission für Technologie und Innovation (KTI) und der SNF öffnen die erste Ausschreibung des Förderungsangebots BRIDGE Discovery. Das Förderungsangebot Discovery richtet sich an erfahrene Forschende, die einzeln oder in einem Konsortium von maximal drei Teilnehmenden eine technologische Innovation mit starken gesellschaftlichen oder wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen realisieren möchten. Die Projekte verfolgen eine klare Vision einer zukünftigen […]

Preis der Deutschen Marktforschung

Nachwuchsforscher 2017 – BVM/VMÖ/vsms An den Hochschulen werden viele Forschungsfragestellungen diskutiert und entwickelt sowie Impulse für die Weiterentwicklung in der angewandten Forschung in Instituten und in der betrieblichen Marktforschung gegeben. Studenten und Doktoranden setzen sich bereits im Rahmen ihrer Abschlussarbeiten intensiv mit dem Methodenspektrum der Marktforschung auseinander und geben sehr oft wertvolle Impulse zu deren […]

Partner Search for Horizon 2020 Topic GV-10-2017

A consortium is looking for additional partners with the following profiles: cities and research institutes/universities.   The project is coordinated by a Danish company and will be submitted to the Horizon 2020 topic GV-10-2017: Demonstration (pilots) for integration of electrified L-category vehicles in the urban transport system. Call deadline on 1 February 2017. More Information […]

European Research Council to re-launch Synergy Grants in 2018

The ERC Scientific Council decided to reinstate the Synergy Grant funding scheme in 2018.   The objective of the Synergy Grant is to enable a small group of principal investigators and their teams to bring together complementary skills, knowledge and resources in new ways, in order to jointly address research problems. In 2012 and 2013, […]

Call for Projects 2017

The Swiss Network for International Studies currently launches the call for projects 2017. Project grants are offered for pluri-disciplinary research projects in the field of international studies and range from CHF 100’00 to 300’000 over a two-year period. Collaborations with international and non-governmental organisations are considered as a clear asset. Thematically, project proposals can be […]