IBH-Calls 2018

Die Internationale Bodensee-Hochschule IBH fördert grenzüberschreitende Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte sowie Aus- und Weiterbilungsangebote. Für das Jahr 2018 ist die Einreichung von Projektanträgen zu folgenden Kategorien möglich: Initialprojekte: Projekte zu “Innovationen in der Lehre”: Regionalprojekte: Eingabefrist für Projektanträge ist der 1. Juni 2017. Die Einreichung erfolgt über das Antrags- und abrechnungstool PADUA  (www.ibh-abrechnung.org). Die erforderlichen Zugangsdaten […]

Partner Search for a Second Stage NMBP Proposal

Wanted: polymer electrolyte membranes manufacturer. A consortium of materials developers and suppliers, device manufacturers and system integrator are looking for a polymer electrolyte membranes manufacturer sought for prototyping and testing in a Horizon 2020 2nd stage proposal  within call deadline on 4 May 2017. Further Information: Schlagwörter: NMBP Proposal, polymer electrolyte

Biomedica 2017 Networking Event

09–10-05-2017, 09:00–19:00 in Eindhoven The Enterprise Europe Network organizes a matchmaking event in the frame of the life science summit Biomedica 2017. This year, Biomedica will take place in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The matchmaking event (pre-organised face-to-face meetings) will target a wide spectrum of companies, research centres, universities and retail chains to identify potential international […]

Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI) South Korea – Switzerland Call for Joint R&D Projects

Tthe Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) and the Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI) are launching a third call for joint innovation projects between Switzerland and South Korea. Who is the call aimed at? The call for joint innovation projects is aimed at companies and research institutions in Switzerland and South Korea (consortia) […]

Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI): Indicative Upcoming Topics Published

IMI published topics that are under consideration for inclusion in future IMI Calls for proposals.     Following IMI call topics are planned for the next IMI call: Development and validation of technology enabled, quantitative and sensitive measures of functional decline in people with early stage Alzheimer’s disease (RADAR-AD) Fairification of IMI and EFPIA data […]

Save the Date: Cybersecurity Information Event

This networking and information event focuses on European funding opportunities in the field of Cybersecurity. It will take place on 16 May 2017 at the Euresearch Head Office in Bern. Research and Innovation on Cybersecurity is becoming more and more important within the European Framework Programme Horizon 2020. A contractual Public-Private Partnership (cPPP) has been […]