The Horizon 2020 SME Instrument opens to Switzerland!

What you should know about the SME Instrument in Horizon 2020. As of 1 January 2017, the family of associated countries that are able to fully participate in Horizon 2020 opened also to Switzerland. Consequently, Swiss companies can benefit from the SME Instrument programme, from which they were excluded until now. Find below a package […]

Horizon 2020: Associated!

Swiss National Conference 14-03-2017, 09:30–16:30 in Bern As of 1 January 2017 until 31 December 2020 Switzerland is associated to the entire Horizon 2020, and Swiss legal entities are automatically eligible for funding and may count towards the minimum number of participants required for a project. Euresearch organises a national Information Event on Horizon 2020, […]

Erste Ausschreibung BRIDGE Discovery

Die Kommission für Technologie und Innovation (KTI) und der SNF öffnen die erste Ausschreibung des Förderungsangebots BRIDGE Discovery. Das Förderungsangebot Discovery richtet sich an erfahrene Forschende, die einzeln oder in einem Konsortium von maximal drei Teilnehmenden eine technologische Innovation mit starken gesellschaftlichen oder wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen realisieren möchten. Die Projekte verfolgen eine klare Vision einer zukünftigen […]

European Research Council to re-launch Synergy Grants in 2018

The ERC Scientific Council decided to reinstate the Synergy Grant funding scheme in 2018.   The objective of the Synergy Grant is to enable a small group of principal investigators and their teams to bring together complementary skills, knowledge and resources in new ways, in order to jointly address research problems. In 2012 and 2013, […]

Research and innovation as drivers in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Research and innovation are important factors in reducing poverty and global risks. In collaboration with KFPE the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), held a second research fair on 9 November in Bern.   The 2016 Research Fair was an opportunity for exchange between science, policy, and practice on the implementation of the 2030 […]

BioWin Day 2016

On occasion of the BioWin Day, an international networking event, the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) organises a matchmaking event. This matchmaking event offers you the chance to meet potential partners in pre-arranged face-to-face meetings and to establish new cooperation in research, technology transfer and business. More Information & Registration Schlagwörter: BioWin Day, EEN

Working on an ERC Consolidator Grant Proposal?

Register for our Applicants Trainining!   During this training, you will get information and tips on the different parts of the application. Participants are expected to work on a submission to the open Consolidator Grant call (deadline 9 February 2017) and be familiar with the information contained in the Work Programme and Information for Applicants. […]

How to Write a Competitive Proposal for Horizon 2020

28-03-2017, 08:30–12:30 in Bern The aim of this half-day course is to train researchers, research managers and research support services in writing professional and competitive proposals for Horizon 2020. The course describes the relevance of Horizon 2020 to EU policies, the common problems in proposal writing and the success criteria for proposals. The course provides […]

EuroNanoForum 2017- Save the Date

Meet the researchers, entrepeneurs and investors who are shaping the future of nanotechnologies and advanced materials.   EuroNanoForum 2017 will focus on how nano and materials technologies can strengthen competitiveness across all European industries. The discussion will also extend to framework conditions such as standards, regulations, and safety issues. The programme will include sessions on […]