Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF): Call for proposals 2024

The CSF is the meeting platform of the ETH Zürich on Monte Verità. Organise your international scientific conference, workshop or ETH doctoral school at Monte Verità, Ascona in 2024. Deadline for submission: 1st October 2022 and 15 th January 2023. More information on: and Schlagwörter: Call for Proposals, Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità

Horizon Europe Info Day – Fördermöglichkeiten für die Schweiz

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass die jährliche Euresearch-Veranstaltung am 14. Juni 2022 in Bern stattfinden wird! Der Horizon Europe Info Day – Fördermöglichkeiten für die Schweiz ist eine einmalige Gelegenheit, mehr über die Vorteile zu erfahren, die in der Schweiz ansässige Forschende und Innovatoren bei der Bewerbung um das Europäische Rahmenprogramm nutzen […]

Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) – Calls for Proposal and Brokerage Event

This one-day hybrid event will take place on 14 June 2022 at Hotel Le Plaza in Brussels. Creating project proposals and building strong, effective consortia are at the core of the day. With face-to-face and virtual meetings. The event will be divided into two sessions: IHI will present the content of the calls and outline […]

Roundtable „Afghanistan and the Way Forward“ am 5.5.2022 um 14.00 Uhr

Der Anlass wird organisiert von swisspeace mit Unterstützung des Leading House South Asia and Iran der ZHAW. Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung auf Linkedin oder Twitter. Schlagwörter: Afghanistan, Leading House South Asia and Iran, Roundtable, swisspeace

Information Event on Clean Hydrogen Calls

The Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (Clean Hydrogen JU) work programme 2022 with 41 topics has been published. This lunch time event informs about the 41 topics in this work programme and will take place on Monday, 11 April 2022 at 13:00. The event is intended for Swiss researchers and managers interested in funding opportunities for hydrogen related […]

Webinar on Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) Impact on SMEs in Health Data Management & Health IT Sectors

The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) is organising a series of live sessions on IMI impact, where key actors will explore the challenges and demonstrate how IMI contributes. The webinar will be on 29 March 2022 at 2:00 PM. The goal is to engage IHI/IMI stakeholders in a broader discussion on IMI’s impact and ask them for […]

Horizon Europe Info Day – Funding Opportunities for Switzerland

We are pleased to announce that on the 14 June 2022 the yearly Euresearch event will take place in Bern! Don’t miss the Horizon Europe Info Day – Funding Opportunities for Switzerland. This is a unique occasion to learn more about the advantages that Swiss based researchers and innovators can take while applying to the […]

Fondation pour la Recherche en faveur des personnes Handicapées: Der dritte Projektaufruf ist eröffnet!

Im Rahmen des NTN Innovation Booster Technology & Special Needs vergibt die FRH Schecks für Innovationsprojekte im Bereich Behinderungen. Diese Schecks sind in Höhe von: 5’000 chf für Machbarkeitsstudien 10’000 chf für explorative Forschungen 10’000 chf für Prototypen. Schlagwörter: E-Accessibility, Fondation pour la Recherche en faveur des personnes Handicapées, FRH, Gleichstellung und Arbeit, Innovationsprojekte im […]

Open Funding Opportunities in EIT Health

Are you part of a health start-up with an innovative health solution and want to receive mentoring, training, funding and much more? The programme specific webinars explain every detail about the programme’s course and application process. In most non-monobeneficiary programmes under EIT Health participants from Switzerland are eligible to participate. If in doubt contact us or […]

Lunch break with the NCP: All you Need to Know About Associated Partners in Horizon Europe

The Euresearch Network Office is pleased to invite you to the Lunch break with the NCP! The Swiss Legal and Financial National Contact Point for Horizon Europe Micol Nantiat will expose the topic “Associated Partners” and how Swiss researchers and innovators should apply and participate in European collaborative projects. Participants will also have the chance […]