Basic Training on EU RDI Opportunities

28-02-2017, 13:45–16:15 in Bern This event provides newcomers with a general overview of European programmes and supporting initiatives for RDI. The aim of the event is to help participants decide if and which European RDI programmes or initiatives are suited to their needs and capacities. Participants will learn how to get competent advice if interested […]

RItrain Project Publishes Calls for Staff Exchange

RItrain, the Research Infrastructure Training Programme, is organising staff exchange programme visits as part of the mission to share management expertise among European Research Infrastructures. The first 3 calls were published end of December on the project website. “Stakeholder Management and Community Building”, 24 February – 01 March 2017 in Prague/Brno CZ, organised by the […]

Science with and for Society Brockerage Event

Do you intend to prepare a proposal for a topic in the Science with and for Society Work Programme 2017?   Then participate in the Brockerage Event in Brussels on 10 March 2017 which will provide networking and funding opportunities for the programme. This is a great opportunity: to get detailed information from the European […]

“Neue Chancen für Schweizer KMU in Europa” KMU-Fördergelder in Horizon 2020

  Der TECHNOPARK® Zürich bietet zusammen mit Euresearch und Eurelations AG dieses Training an:   Termin: 14. Februar 2017 16.00-18.00 Uhr (anschl. Apéro) “Neue Chancen für Schweizer KMU in Europa» KMU-Fördergelder in Horizon 2020″ •Wie erhalte ich Zugang zu 437 Mio €? •Welche Instrumente sind für mich relevant? •Wer kann mich unterstützen? Alle Informationen zum […]

Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Call 2017 Information Day

Get prepared for the AAL Call 2017 and visit the dedicated information day on 6 March 2017 in Brussels, Belgium.   The AAL association will organise an information day to inform the European community about the next call topic of the AAL programme: “AAL packages/Integrated solutions – Packages integrating different solutions based on ICT to […]

EuroNanoForum Brokerage Event 23 June 2017, Valletta, Malta

Registration to the brokerage event is now open. As part of the EuroNanoForum 2017 in Malta (21-23 June 2017), a international matchmaking event will be held on 23 June 2017. This brokerage event will target a wide spectrum of start-ups, companies, universities, researchers and clusters from all over Europe interested in expanding their business and […]

Horizon 2020: Associated!

Swiss National Conference – 14-03-2017, 09:00–16:30 in Bern As of 1 January 2017 until 31 December 2020 Switzerland is associated to the entire Horizon 2020, and Swiss legal entities are automatically eligible for funding and may count towards the minimum number of participants required for a project. Euresearch and the State Secretariat for Education, Research […]

Information and Communication Technologies Applicants’ Training

9 February 2017 in Bern Get tips for proposal writing, learn from a successful coordinator and listen to an evaluator’s experience. You will get tips & tricks for proposal writing, learn from a successful and experienced coordinator, and get the view from a proposal reviewer. The afternoon will be dedicated to a practical hands-on session […]

Innovations-Apéro: Innovation @ AXA – Wie ein internationaler Konzern Innovationen schafft

Am Dienstag, 7. März 2017 um 17.45 Uhr findet im TECHNOPARK® Winterthur ein Innovations-Apéro zu folgendem Thema statt: Innovation @ AXA – Wie ein internationaler Konzern Innovationen schafft Einleitung Thomas Schumann, Leiter Technopark Winterthur AG Referat Ivo Streiff, Leiter Innovations-Management, AXA Winterthur Anschliessend Apéro, gestiftet von der AXA Winterthur, sowie Stand der „AXAnauten“, wo interessierte […]

MarTERA ERA-NET Co-Fund Brokerage Event

The ERA-NET Marine and Maritime Technologies for a new ERA, MarTERA, is organising a brokerage event for potential applicants on 15 February 2017 in Brussels. MarTERA has started on 1 December 2016 and launched a transnational call with a budget of about €30 Mio for collaborative research and innovation projects. Get detailed information on MarTERA […]