SNSF Eccellenza: Programm für junge Forschende, die eine Professur anstreben

SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowships und SNSF Eccellenza Grants richten sich an hoch qualifizierte junge Forschende, die eine permanente Professur anstreben. Eccellenza ermöglicht ihnen, ihr Ziel mit einem grosszügig ausgestatteten Forschungsprojekt unter ihrer Leitung und einem Team an einer Hochschule in der Schweiz zu erreichen. Nächste Eingabefrist: 01.02.2019. Schlagwörter: Jungforscher/innen, Professur, SNSF Eccellenza

Partner Offer for Horizon 2020 DT-ART-03-2019

A korean public institute is looking to join a consortium applying for the topic DT-ART-03-2019: Human centred design for the new driver role in highly automated vehicles.   The Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) in South Korea brings the following expertise. Estimating vehicle dynamic states and external forces Designing filter or observer based on […]

ERC Consolidator Grants Call 2019 Open – The call closes on 7 February 2019

ERC Consolidator Grants are designed for excellent researchers. The call is now open. ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are consolidating their own independent research team. Up to €2 mio are available for projects of up to 5 years duration. More Information on the […]

Brazilian-Swiss Joint Research Programme

Eingabefrist: 17.05.2019 Im Rahmen der bilateralen Programme des Bundes führt der SNF gemeinsam mit dem Nationalen Rat für Wissenschaftliche und Technologische Entwicklung (CNPq) und dem Nationalen Rat für bundesstaatliche Förderagenturen (CONFAP) eine Ausschreibung für Joint Research Projects (JRPs) durch. Joint Research Projects (JRPs) ermöglichen es Forschenden in der Schweiz, ein gemeinsames Forschungsprojekt mit einem Partner […]

New Horizon 2020 Opportunities for Social Sciences and Humanities!

The updated Work Programme of the Societal Challenge 6 (Inclusive Societies) includes new topics on cultural heritage, art, and governance with deadline in 2019. Deadline is 14 March 2019 The Societal Challenge 6 focuses on migration, socio-economic and cultural transformations in the context of the fourth industrial revolution and governance. For 2019, 24 topics are […]

Bio-Based Industries – Annual Activity Report 2017 is Published

The Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking BBI JU, a strong public-private partnership has published its annual activity report 2017 2017 was a fundamental year for the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU): the organisation reached maturity and kept right on track to achieve the key objectives of de-risking investment, reaching critical mass and organising the value […]

Swiss Technology Award

Der bedeutendste Technologiepreis der Schweiz Innovationen sind für die Schweizer Wirtschaft die entscheidenden Treiber des Fortschritts. Sie sichern unseren Wohlstand. Mit der Verleihung des Swiss Technology Award wird diese Innovationskultur unterstützt und gefördert. In drei Kategorien werden jedes Jahr herausragende technologiebasierte Innovationen und Entwicklungen von Start-ups, Hoch- und Fachhochschulen sowie etablierten Unternehmen prämiert. Der Preis […]

Japanese Government (MEXT) Research Scholarship 2019

Application deadline: 9 June, 2018 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) offers research scholarships to international students who wish to study in Japan under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program for 2019. As part of a reciprocal exchange, the government of Japan (MEXT) offers 1 or 2 scholarships to Switzerland for […]

Brokerage Event on Horizon 2020 Security Calls

On 1 and 2 February 2018 the Security Mission Information & Innovation Group (SMI2G) is organising an event in Brussels to discuss on the upcoming 2018 Secure Societies calls of Horizon 2020. This brokerage event provides a unique networking platform to stimulate innovative ideas and facilitate the creation of consortia. All Horizon 2020 Secure Societies […]