2. Call BREF 2018 – “FIRST VENTURES”

Unter dem Titel BREF – «First Ventures» fördert die Gebert Rüf Stiftung Bachelor- und Masterstudierende von Fachhochschulen, die in ihrer Abschlussarbeit eine innovative Geschäftsidee entwickeln. Die Unterstützung beinhaltet einen finanziellen Projektbeitrag sowie ein individuell abgestimmtes Coachingprogramm. Für den Schwerpunkt stehen jährlich CHF 1.5 Mio. zur Verfügung. Der 2. Call ist nun offen, Deadline ist der […]

ERC Starting Grants Call 2019 Open

ERC Starting Grants aim to support up-and-coming research leaders. ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage typically 2-7 years after their PhD. Up to €1.5 mio are available for projects of up to 5 years duration. The call closes on 17 October 2018. Further information: Schlagwörter: ERC Starting Grants

Webinar on Upcoming Science with and for Society Topics

03-10-2018, 10:30–11:30 in Bern The Horizon 2020 programme Science with and for Society (SwafS) includes funding opportunities in the fields of gender, citizen science, science communication, and Responsible Research and Innovation. This webinar provides information on SwafS topics with deadline on 2 April 2019. Furthermore, networking opportunities and project examples will be discussed. Agenda and […]

Call for Posters: Community in Crisis? Political Identification in Europe

Student poster session | 12 October 2018 Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany To facilitate an interdisciplinary conversation on identification in Europe, a work-shop is held over two days on the shores of Lake Constance at the Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany. During the workshop, there will also be a student poster session to give the possibility for […]

Hirschmann Stipendien

Das Hirschmann-Stipendium für Masterstudierende an Schweizer Fachhochschulen Bildung fördern ist das grosse Thema der Hirschmann Stiftung. Sie richtet deshalb einmalige Stipendien für Studierende aus, die an einer Schweizer Fachhochschule ein konsekutives Masterstudium absolvieren. Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten leisten in ihrem Fach Überdurchschnittliches und zeigen auch gesellschaftliches Engagement. Studierende werden maximal mit einem Stipendium von CHF 10’000 […]

Call for Young Researchers’ Exchange with South Korea

The third call for proposals for young researchers’ exchange between South Korea and Switzerland is now open. Deadline for the submission of applications is 30 November 2018. The Leading House ETH Zurich and the Korean National Research Foundation (NRF) have together established an instrument for funding the exchange of young scientists between South Korea and […]

Digitalisierung verstehen: SNF fördert Forschung mit 10 Millionen Franken

Was macht die Digitalisierung mit den Menschen und mit der Gesellschaft? Im Rahmen der SNF-Ausschreibung “Digital Lives” suchen 57 Forschungsprojekte nach Antworten. Der SNF hat im Dezember 2017 die Ausschreibung “Digital Lives” lanciert. Die Zahl der eingereichten Projekte liegt über allen Erwartungen; ihre Qualität ist auf sehr hohem Niveau. Deshalb hat der SNF die Fördersumme […]


Collaboration in Translational Research for a Sustainable Future Selected substantive themes: Water, Renewable Energy and Non-Communicable Disease The Middle East – Europe Forum is set to launch an agenda of cross-border collaboration in research in support of a sustainable future. The events links two major regions, which share many common challenges while also marked by […]

Open Innovation in Life Sciences 2018

    15-09-2018 08:00–22:00 in Zurich     The Enterprise Europe Network invites you to participate in the Life Sciences Innovation Day 2018 meeting taking place on the 15th of September at ETH Zurich as a part of the first Open Innovation in Life Sciences conference. More Information & Registration Schlagwörter: biomedical, Enterprise Europe Network, […]

Information & Preparatory Events in India on EU-India Call “Next Generation Influenza Vaccine”

Information and project preparation events will be organised in four cities (New Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Pune) in India at the end of August and in September. The European Commission (EC) through the EU funding programme for research and innovation ‘Horizon 2020’ has committed €15 million and the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, […]