Meet in Italy for Life Sciences 2019 – Brokerage Event

16–18-10-2019, 08:00–18:00 in Trieste The 6th edition of “Meet for Life Sciences in Italy” (MIT4LS) will take place in Trieste from 16 to 18 October 2019. The MIT4LS matchmaking event offers the possibility to meet representatives from industry, SME, research centres and universities to discuss future technology and business partnerships in pre-arranged face-to-face meetings. The […]

Brokerage Event on Horizon 2020 Topics on Circular Economy and Transforming Industry

Meet potential project partners on 9 October 2019 in Warsaw. This international brokerage event will gather people interested in the final Horizon 2020 calls on Circular Economy and Transforming Industry. Participants will get the chance to present and discuss their project ideas, get to know people interested in the same calls and receive insights on the background […]

ERC Starting Grants Call 2020 Open

ERC Starting Grants aim to support up-and-coming research leaders.   ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators who are at the career stage of typically 2-7 years after their PhD. Up to €1.5 mio are available for projects of up to 5 years duration. The call closes on 16 October 2019. Important […]

1. Digital Health Lab Day

Knüpfen Sie neue Kontakte am Networking Dinner und gestalten Sie mit uns die Zukunft unseres Gesundheitswesens! Die Digitalisierung im Gesundheitssektor bietet immenses Potenzial, das Wohlergehen und die Versorgung jedes Einzelnen zu verbessern. Diese Entwicklung hin zu einer patientenzentrierten Versorgung erfordert vollkommen neue Ansätze im Gesundheitssystem. Digital Health bietet Lösungen um die Gesundheitsversorgung präzise, personalisiert, präventiv […]

Smart City Brokerage Event

19–20-11-2019, 09:30–18:00 in Barcelona Connect with industry leaders at the 6th Smart City Brokerage Event. Take advantage of unique networking opportunities at the Smart City Expo World Congress, the worldwide leading event for cities! More Information & Registration Schlagwörter: Smart City Brokerage Event

Innosuisse Roadshow ETH

September 4, 2019, 10:00 AM – 12, ETH Zurich Hönggerberg, Room HPH G2 Are you keen to implement an innovation project or launch your company and looking for support? Innosuisse can help you. To showcase its latest offers, the Swiss Innovation Agency will be at the ETH Zurich Hönggerberg campus on 4 September 2019 for […]

40 neue COST-Aktionen: Teilnahme ab sofort möglich

Im Spätsommer oder Herbst 2019 starten 40 neue COST-Aktionen. Interessierte Forschende und Experten können sich ab sofort beteiligen. ​Die neuen COST-Aktionen sowie alle laufenden Aktionen sind offen für Forschende und Experten, die an einer Teilnahme interessiert sind. Alle COST-Aktionen sind über den untenstehenden Link einsehbar. Einer laufenden COST-Aktion beizutreten, ist ganz einfach: Es genügt, dem […]

AI Ethics Assessment: Join the Pilot Phase

After the publication of the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI) on 8 April 2019, the piloting process seeks to test the assessment list and provide practical feedback on how it can be improved. Join the effort! The High-Level Expert Group on AI (AI HLEG) published on 8 April the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy […]

ECSEL – European Funding Initiative for Smart Electronics – Promotion Event 2019

Empa, CSEM and Innosuisse are jointly organising a promotion event at Empa in Dübendorf for the European funding initiative ECSEL. The event is taking place on 3 September 2019. The Joint Technology Initiative for Electronic Components and Systems for the European Leadership (ECSEL) supports transboundary R&D projects in digitalisation, developing marketable products in the fields […]