Zimmer Biomet Connected Health Innovation Award – Call for Entries

Digital technologies have already transformed the social fabric of life in the twenty-first century. They are now poised to profoundly influence clinical practice and healthcare. As a world-leader in musculoskeletal healthcare, Zimmer Biomet has always been exploiting new technologies to advance the pace of innovation. The Award application must be submitted by June 15th, 2018, […]

Horizon 2020 Security Information Day and Brokerage Event

This event offers information and networking opportunities for all calls of the Horizon 2020 work programme Secure Societies with deadline 23 August 2018. It takes place on 11 April 2018 in Warsaw. Registration is open until 1 April 2018. The Network of Secure Societies National Contact Points (SEREN3) organises this event in collaboration with the […]

InRoad: Forschungsinfrastrukturen in Europa einheitlich planen

Gemeinsam stärker: Die europäischen Länder sollen ihre Strategien für Forschungsinfrastrukturen besser aufeinander abstimmen. Dies ist das Ziel der Aktion InRoad, die vom SNF koordiniert und geleitet wird. Zugang zu modernsten Forschungsinfrastrukturen (FIS) ist oft Voraussetzung für herausragende Forschung. Dabei handelt es sich zum Beispiel um Hochleistungsrechner, Teilchenbeschleuniger oder vernetzte Datenarchive. Weitere Informationen:   Schlagwörter: Forschungsinfrastrukturen […]

Brokerage Event on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology for Horizon 2020 NMBP 2019 Topics

Are you looking to lead or participate in collaborative R&D project? Come to Madrid and find your right partners   This event has two objectives: presentation of insights, expectations and tips on the 2019 NMBP topics from the European Commission as offer an international networking platform to find the right partners for a successful H2020 […]

Meet Partners for Research and Business on Raw Materials, Circular Economy and Advanced Materials

20–22-06-2018, 10:00–13:30 in Anacapri Participate in the BE-Mat Matchmaking Event! The BE-Mat matchmaking event aims to bring together entrepreneurs and researchers in the areas of critical raw materials, recycling, advanced materials, circular economy (including business models) and related areas to create links for research and innovation projects and business cooperation. Further Information: Schlagwörter: BE-Mat Matchmaking […]

Universal Biotech Innovation Prize

3 prizes are awarded: Biotech Prize 2018 Medtech Prize 2018 Digitech Prize 2018 Submit your application from February 5th on our platform: Open Innovation Access For 8 years, the Innovation Prize rewards project holders in the field of Healthcare (Biotech, Medtech, Digitech). Open to young start-ups (< 8 years old) and academic laboratories, this competition […]

European Funding and Innovation Programs – Chances for SMEs

Welche Möglichkeiten haben KMU an europäischen Förder- und Innovationsprogrammen teilzunehmen? Am 27. Februar 2018,              16.00 – 18.00 Uhr findet im Technopark Zürich ein Informationsanlass zum Europäischen Forschungsförder-programm Horizon 2020 statt. Experten von Euresearch, Enterprise Europe Netzwerk und Eurelations AG präsentieren die neuesten Entwicklungen und zeigen wie KMU mit eigenen Innovationsprojekten teilnehmen können.   Weitere Informationen […]

JPIAMR sucht neue Wirkstoffe und Therapien gegen antbiotikaresistente Mikroben

Eingabefrist: 07.03.2018 Mit der neuen Ausschreibung der Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR) sollen internationale Projekte für neue Wirkstoffe und Therapien gefördert werden. Das Nationale Forschungsprogramm “Antimikrobielle Resistenz” (NFP 72) fördert mit 600’000 Euro die Teilnahme an der europäischen Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR). Schweizer Projektpartner können sich an internationalen Projekten beteiligen, […]

5th edition of STIL – 1st of March, 2018

Located at the SwissTech Convention Center recently inaugurated on the EPFL campus, the salon offers 3700 m2 of space for its exhibitors and desires to be accessible to broad public. It is an opportunity for exchanges and horizons between exhibitors, speakers and visitors on the theme of new technologies. The 10’536 students on campus constitute […]

Welcome to the Leading House South Asia and Iran

The ZHAW is the Leading House for research collaboration with partner institutions in South Asia and Iran. Mandated by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) in 2017, the ZHAW promotes and fosters scientific cooperation with key institutions in South Asia and Iran during the funding period 2017-2020. The South Asia region includes […]