IT for Research Day 2018

Wednesday 19 September 2018, 10:00 – 17:00h, University of Berne, Main Building, Kuppelraum We will present you with new perspectives in this special event. SWITCHengines, which was developed for the needs of Swiss researchers, is being enhanced in the SCALE-UP project (for a short summary see Both projects were granted start-up funding by swissuniversities’ […]

Horizon 2020 Security Brokerage Event for Practitioners

This European Brokerage Event focuses on security topics in the context of the fight against crime and terrorism. The targeted audience are practitioners. The event takes place in Paris on 2 October 2018. The National Contact Point network SEREN4 and the French Ministry of the Interior invite you to a European networking event between practitioners. […]

Save the Date: Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 6 Brokerage Event

The Societal Challenge 6 Brokerage Event for topics with deadline in March 2019 will take place in Warsaw, Poland on 30 October 2018. The focus is on the Social Sciences and the Humanities. Don’t miss this special opportunity to get involved in the next Societal Challenge 6 proposals! The Brokerage Event consists of a morning […]

Update on the ERC Work Programme 2019

The ERC Work Programme 2019 will be published in mid-September 2018. The Starting Grant and Synergy Grant 2019 will open upon the Work Programme adoption. The ERC Work Programme 2019, originally planned for mid-July, should now be published in mid-September. Further information: Schlagwörter: ERC Work Programme 2019, Starting Grant and Synergy Grant 2019

Health Horizon Call 2019 Published

The 2019 Health Horizon Call is published with some new funding opportunities The 2019 Health Horizon Call is published! Over 1 billion Euro are available for research and innovation projects. Please consult the website to get the entire topic list. You also find information on the Health Horizon Call on News Overview Schlagwörter: Health […]

Cleantech Week India 2018

India’s energy sector is all set to boom with ambitious targets and the aggressive growth approach of the Indian government. Take a closer look at this market, its growth, opportunities and potential through a one week market exploartion program designed by swissnex India. Schlagwörter: Cleantech Week India 2018, energy storage, mobility technologies, solar

Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 Update Now Online

All Horizon 2020 Work Programme sections have been updated. New is the section “Cross-cutting activities”.     For further details please follow the link below to the Participant Portal and check Work Programmes 2018-20, Main WP. Please do not hesitate to contact your NCP in case of any questions. Participant Portal Schlagwörter: Update Work Programme […]

Eurostars-Partner Search on the Bakery or Flour Industry

A company is looking for a partner from the bakery or flour industry in order to perform food safety and quality tests of the products obtained. A Spanish SME working on biotechnology of cereal seeds offering solutions to particular groups, such as celiac patients, is coordinating a proposal under Eurostars programme that aims to develop […]

GlobalStars Call for Proposals for Joint R&D Projects under EUREKA between Brazil and the EUREKA member countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland

Deadline for EUREKA Application: 31 October 2018 EUREKA ( is an intergovernmental organisation for marketdriven industrial research and development. It is a decentralised network facilitating the coordination of national funding on Research, Development and Innovation, aiming to boost the productivity & competitiveness of industries. EUREKA has been a driving force of innovation in Europe for […]

EU Brokerage Event Shift2Rail, 29.11.2018, Strasbourg

Meet companies and research partners, attend the presentation of the new open calls by the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking representatives and learn about the new funding programme. Enterprise Europe Network partners, Grand E-nov, Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, French and German Transport NCPs co-organise an EU Brokerage Event on Shift2Rail Calls for proposals 2019. The […]