„Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society“ Calls 2022 in Horizon Europe – Information and Brokerage Event

Horizon Europe offers many interesting funding opportunities for projects in Social Sciences and Humanities. On 18 January 2022, an information and networking event will inform you about Horizon Europe 2022 calls in „Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society“ cluster and give you a special opportunity to pitch and network with others Swiss researchers and innovators. More […]

Chinese-Swiss Young Researchers’ Exchange Programme

The Leading House ETH Zurich supports the exchange of early career researchers between Switzerland and China (incl. Taiwan and Hong Kong).   Eligibility Switzerland-​based senior researchers from universities, universities of applied sciences or research institutes and from all scientific disciplines can apply to host early career Chinese scholars (doctoral students or postdoctoral researchers) in Switzerland […]

Korean-Swiss Young Researchers’ Exchange Programme

ETH Zurich as the Leading House Asia and the Korean National Research Foundation (NRF) jointly operate an instrument for the exchange of early career researchers. The instrument funds 3-​month research stays in the partner country.Switzerland-​based researchers can apply to ETH Zurich for a stay in South Korea and South Korean researchers to the NRF for […]

Horizon Europe Networking Event – Clusters 1, 4, 5, 6

On the 17th/18th February 2022, the conference „Successful R&I in Europe 2022“ will take place. The event is dedicated to researchers and entrepreneurs seeking new European research and innovation (R&I) partners for Horizon Europe projects. There will be parallel sessions on seven topics:Cluster 1: Health Cluster 4: Digital (ICT)Cluster 4: Industry (Materials)Cluster 5: EnergyCluster 5: […]

CHIST-ERA 2021: neue Themen für europäische Projekte

Eingabefrist: 17.01.2022 Seit 2010 fördert das ERA-NET CHIST-ERA europäische Forschungskollaborationen im Bereich Informations- und Kommunikationswissenschaften und -technologien. Dieses Jahr unterstützt das Förderungsinstrument CHIST-ERA (European coordinated research on long-term ICT and ICT-based scientific challenges) Projekte zu folgenden Themen: Nano-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems for ICT (NOEMS) Foundations for Misbehaviour Detection and Mitigation Strategies in Online Social Networks and Media […]

Die Schweiz bleibt Vollmitglied der europäischen COST-Vereinigung

Das Förderprogramm COST unterstützt die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Vernetzung in Europa und darüber hinaus. Forschende in der Schweiz können weiterhin daran teilnehmen. > weiter Schlagwörter: Die Schweiz bleibt Vollmitglied der europäischen COST-Vereinigung

Pre-Announcement: 3rd TechMakers Brazil – Switzerland call for Joint Innovation Projects

The innovation promotion agency of Brazil (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial – EMBRAPII) with the support of Apex-Brasil and the Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse) are happy to pre-announce their TechMakers Brazil-Switzerland joint call 2022 to fund science-based innovation projects between Switzerland and Brazil. Further information Schlagwörter: Apex-Brasil, EMBRAPII, Pre-Announcement: 3rd TechMakers Brazil – Switzerland call […]

Pre-Announcement: 8th South Korea –Switzerland call for Joint Innovation Projects

The Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) and the Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse) are happy to to pre-announce their joint call 2022 to fund science-based innovation projects between Switzerland and South Korea.  This pre-announcement is to invoke interest of potential applicants to explore project ideas as well as collaboration opportunities with potential partners. That is why we invite […]

Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI) – IN WBI Excellence Scholarship Program

In a context of increased mobility and globalisation, this scholarship program was set up by Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI). In support of the competitiveness clusters determined by the Marshall Plan 4.0 initiated by Wallonia, it allows the reception of researchers from foreign countries wishing to carry out a postdoctoral program within higher-education institutions that are organised […]