EuroNanoForum Brokerage Event 23 June 2017, Valletta, Malta

Registration to the brokerage event is now open. As part of the EuroNanoForum 2017 in Malta (21-23 June 2017), a international matchmaking event will be held on 23 June 2017. This brokerage event will target a wide spectrum of start-ups, companies, universities, researchers and clusters from all over Europe interested in expanding their business and […]

FCH2 JU Call for Proposals 2017 Now Open

The FCH2 JU (Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) Annual Work Plan 2017 has been published on 17 January 2017. The call for proposals (H2020-JTI-FCH-2017-1) ist now open with 24 topics covering different areas of research and innovation: transport, energy production, hydrogen production, integration in energy systems, cross-cutting activities. The deadline for proposals is the […]

First European Industry Day

You are invited to shape the industrial agenda of tomorrow. The event is held on 28 February 2017 in Brussels (Belgium). Representatives of traditional and new, disruptive sectors will present their views on the future of their business. Entrepreneurs, innovators, start-ups and the tech community will share the stage with key European political leaders. For […]

Partner Offer for the Horizon 2020 Health Topic SC1-PM-03-2017

The Institute of Genetic Medicine at the Newcastle University in the UK would like to join a consortium for the Horizon 2020 Health Topic SC1-PM-03-2017: Diagnostic characterisation of rare diseases. The institute’s expertise lies in graves’ orbitopathy (GO) and thyroid eye diseases. It established EUGOGO, a productive, collaborative platform, with world class expertise in the […]

Partner Offer for Horizon 2020 Health Topics

A Spanish Public Insitute offers its expertise to become partner of a consortium preparing a proposal for Horizon 2020 Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing. Polibienestar is part of the University of Valencia (Spain) and has vast experience in cooperating with public administration and private institutions promoting health, lifelong learning, and quality of life through the […]

Industrial Partners from Electrical Storage Sector Sought

Partner search for proposal to raw materials innovation action. A core consortium working on a proposal on lithium extraction technologies  is looking for industrial partners active in the electoral storage sector. The proposal will be submitted to the topic “Raw materials innovation actions: sustainable metallurgial processes” More Information and contact Schlagwörter: Industrial Partners, Raw materials

Euromaritime Business Meetings

31 January–02-02-2017, 10:00–17:00 in Paris The Enterprise Europe Network invites you to register for the 3 day B2B meetings on the occasion of Euromaritime/Eurowaterways fair. The pre-arranged face-to-face meetings offer the opportunity to meet potential technology and business partners in the maritime sector. More Information & Registration Schlagwörter: Enterprise Europe Network, Euromaritime Business Meetings

Conference on International Rare Diseases Research

The 3rd Conference of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) will take place on 8-9 February 2017 in Paris, France. It will take place at the conference center of Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) Sorbonne Universités, Jussieu. Five years have passed since the launch of the IRDiRC and considerable advances have been made […]

Save the Date Now! Clean Sky Forum 2017

The annual Clean Sky Forum will take place on 21-22 March 2017 in Brussels, to mark the closing of Clean Sky 1. The first day will feature a series of keynote speeches by high-level representatives from the industry, European Parliament and the European Commission, all involved in Clean Sky. The second day will focus on […]

Biotech 2017 und 7. Czech-Swiss Symposium

13. – 17. Juni 2017 – Organisiert vom Institut für Chemie und Biotechnoloie ICBT in Zusammenarbeit mit der University of Chemistry and Technology Prague. Die BioTech 2017 und das 7th  Czech-Swiss Symposium, mit Ausstellung, deckt alle wichtigen Aspekte der  fortgeschrittenen Biotechnologie ab.  Der Schwerpunkt des Symposiums ist die Förderung des  Informationsaustausches zwischen Wissenschaftlern und  Industrieforschern […]