Wissenschaftsvideos gesucht! 21.000€ Preisgeld bei Fast Forward Science 2018

Du begeisterst dich für Wissenschaft und hast Lust eigene Webvideos zu machen? Du brennst gerade für ein aktuelles Thema aus der Forschung und möchtest es anderen näherbringen? Egal ob Mathematik, Sprachwissenschaft, Philosophie oder Astronomie – schnapp dir deine Kamera, setz dein Thema richtig in Szene und mach mit bei Fast Forward Science, dem Webvideo-Wettbewerb für […]

Eureka Innovation Days 2018

22–24-05-2018, 12:00–18:40 in Helsinki The place to be to learn more about trends and outlooks for the future in your sector, to network and collaborate with your peers. The EUREKA Innovation Days 2018 are expected to attract 400 stakeholders from European industry, SMEs, academy, policymakers, representatives from regional and local authorities and many more. More […]

Save the Date: European Conference on Innovative Industries for Smart Growth INDTECH2018

Register now and take this excellent opportunity to meet experts from industry, academia and policy to exchange information and to strengthen collaboration. This conference is held in Vienna, Austria, from 30-31 October 2018. IndTech is the European Commission’s most prominent biannual conference on industrial technologies. Further Information and Registration Schlagwörter: European Conference on Innovative Industries […]

Webinar on the Individual Fellowships of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

24-04-2018, 10:00–11:00 in Bern Basic Information on the European and Global Fellowships The call for proposals for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Individual Fellowships opened on 12 April with a deadline on 12 September 2018. Switzerland is currently fully eligible to take part in this call. There are two types of MSCA Fellowships: The European and […]

Save the Date! Innovative Medicine Initiatives (IMI) 10th Anniversary Scientific Symposium

IMI’s first scientific symposium will take place on 22 and 23 October 2018 in Brussels. This event will reflect on 10 years of activity, and present results and work carried out by IMI projects.   The scientific programme will cover four areas in four half-day sessions: New targets, tools and pathways From concept to trial […]

Horizon 2020 Security Information Day and Brokerage Event

This event offers information and networking opportunities for all calls of the Horizon 2020 work programme Secure Societies with deadline 23 August 2018. It takes place on 11 April 2018 in Warsaw. Registration is open until 1 April 2018. The Network of Secure Societies National Contact Points (SEREN3) organises this event in collaboration with the […]

Brokerage Event on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology for Horizon 2020 NMBP 2019 Topics

Are you looking to lead or participate in collaborative R&D project? Come to Madrid and find your right partners   This event has two objectives: presentation of insights, expectations and tips on the 2019 NMBP topics from the European Commission as offer an international networking platform to find the right partners for a successful H2020 […]

Forschungsinstitutionen und Unternehmen aus der Schweiz erhalten Zugang zur europäischen Förderinitiative ECSEL

Bern, 09.03.2018 – Am 9. März 2018 hat der Bundesrat das Abkommen zur Teilnahme der Schweiz an der Joint Technology Initiative Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership (JTI ECSEL) genehmigt. Mit dieser europäischen Förderinitiative werden marktnahe, grenzüberschreitende Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte in den Bereichen Mikro- und Nanoelektronik, Systemintegration und intelligente Systeme unterstützt. Weitere Informationen hierzu: […]

Universal Biotech Innovation Prize

3 prizes are awarded: Biotech Prize 2018 Medtech Prize 2018 Digitech Prize 2018 Submit your application from February 5th on our platform: Open Innovation Access For 8 years, the Innovation Prize rewards project holders in the field of Healthcare (Biotech, Medtech, Digitech). Open to young start-ups (< 8 years old) and academic laboratories, this competition […]

Neuer Call “Germaine de Staël”

Das Programm «Germaine de Staël» fördert die Zusammenarbeit zwischen französischen und schweizerischen Forschenden und Forschungsgruppen durch Vergütung der dabei anfallenden Reise- und Aufenthaltsspesen. Schweizer Teilnehmende werden mit ungefähr CHF 4500 je Projekt und Jahr während zweier Jahre gefördert. Deadline für den nächsten Call ist der 15. Mai 2018. Weitere Informationen (Englisch) Schlagwörter: Frankreich, Germaine de […]