DenkRaumBodensee – Nennen Sie uns Ihre Zukunftsthemen!

Wie wirken sich Megatrends wie z.B. Globalisierung, Digitalisierung oder der Klimawandel auf die Bodenseeregion aus? Welche zukünftigen Herausforderungen sehen Sie für die Bodenseeregion aus Ihrer fachlichen Sicht? Wie wünschen Sie sich als Einwohnerin und Einwohner die Zukunft der Bodenseeregion? DenkRaumBodensee fragt Sie als Wissenschaftlerin und Wissenschaftler, aber auch als Einwohnerin und Einwohner der Bodenseeregion nach […]

Healthcare Brokerage Event at MEDICA 2018

12–14-11-2018, 13:00–18:00 in Düsseldorf On the occasion of MEDICA 2018, the global No. 1 meeting place for the medical sector, the Enterprise Europe Network will organise an international Healthcare Brokerage Event. The aim is to assist enterprises, universities and research institutions in finding partners in Europe for product development, manufacturing and licensing agreements, joint ventures […]

Brazilian-Swiss Joint Research Programme

Im Rahmen der bilateralen Programme des Bundes führt der SNF gemeinsam mit dem Nationalen Rat für Wissenschaftliche und Technologische Entwicklung (CNPq) und dem Nationalen Rat für bundesstaatliche Förderagenturen (CONFAP) eine Ausschreibung für Joint Research Projects (JRPs) durch. Joint Research Projects (JRPs) ermöglichen es Forschenden in der Schweiz, ein gemeinsames Forschungsprojekt mit einem Partner / einer […]

Horizon 2020 Brokerage Event on NMBP

Looking for partners for a Horizon 2020 topic? Grab the opportunity and pitch your idea and expertise in front of leading research organisations and cutting-edge innovators from across industry. The event on Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Manufacturing & Processing (NMBP) will take place on 20 November 2018 in Birmingham, UK. It will particularly adress topics from […]

Horizon 2020 Proposal Check Event for Societal Challenge 6

A Proposal Check Event for Societal Challenge 6 coordinators takes place in Warschau on 9 November 2018, one day after the dedicated Brokerage Event. The aim of this event is to increase the chances for funding and to transfer useful knowledge to project proposers. Applicants will have the unique opportunity to discuss their proposals with […]

Endeavour Leadership Program – Applications for the 2019 round

Applications for the 2019 round of  the Endeavour Leadership Program are now open.   Applications will close on 15 November at 11:59 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (AEDT)   Applicants should read the following documentation before commencing an application…   To the documentation Schlagwörter: Applications for 2019, Endeavour Leadership Program

New Call for Mobility Grants – Autumn 2018

Deadline: November 4, 2018 The goal of the Mobility Grants is to strengthen or initiate scientific exchange between Swiss and Latin American researchers and institutions in all disciplines by enabling them to jointly undertake preliminary research and organise workshops. Mobility Grants are especially useful for emerging researchers (Postdocs and PhD students) for the integration of […]

Horizon 2020 – Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN Applicants Training

18-10-2018, 09:30–17:00 in Bern Learn how to write a competitive Innovative Training Network (ITN) proposal. The aim of this event is to train researchers, research managers and research support services in writing competitive ITN proposals. The training will tackle the success criteria for ITN proposals and the common challenges in ITN proposal writing. Further Information […]

Workshop on Civil Security Research in Horizon Europe

This event offers the opportunity to get involved in shaping civil security research in the upcoming Framework Programme Horizon Europe. It takes place in Brussels on 6 and 7 November 2018. The workshop discusses issues such as the mission approach of Horizon Europe, the relation between civil security research and defence, as well as the […]

Wallonie Bruxelles International (WBI): Programme de bourses d’excellence IN WBI 2019/2020

Dans un contexte de mobilité et de mondialisation accrues, ce programme de bourses a été mis sur pied par Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI). Profil Chercheurs(/euses) issu(e)s de pays tiers désirant effectuer un programme de type postdoctoral au sein d’établissements d’enseignement supérieur organisés ou subventionnés par la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. Domaines En vue d’appuyer les différents pôles de […]