Swiss-Finnish Promotional Call for Eurostars Projects – Life Sciences

Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) and The Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (tekes) are announcing a collaborative Promotional Call for project ideas of R&D performing SMEs on the topic of Life Sciences with a special focus on Bio and Medical Technologies: Drug Development, Drug Delivery, Bio Materials, Medical Device […]

Do not Miss the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) European Brokerage Event!

Join Europe’s largest event on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on 20 June 2017 at the Palais de la Musique et des Congrès in Strasbourg, and find business partners for your projects and technological cooperation. This brokerage event is co-organised by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Alsace and ERTICO-ITS Europe in the frame of the 12th ITS […]

Swiss Technology Award – Der bedeutendste Technologiepreis der Schweiz

Online-Bewerbung vom 15. Mai – 25. August 2017 Innovationen sind für die Schweizer Wirtschaft die entscheidenden Treiber des Fortschritts. Sie sichern unseren Wohlstand. Mit der Verleihung des Swiss Technology Award wird diese Innovationskultur unterstützt und gefördert. In drei Kategorien werden jedes Jahr herausragende technologiebasierte Innovationen und Entwicklungen von Start-ups, Hoch- und Fachhochschulen sowie etablierten Unternehmen […]


2003 hat die Hintermann & Weber AG anlässlich ihres 20-jährigen Firmenjubiläums einen Preis für die praktische Forschung im Natur- und Landschaftsschutz ins Leben gerufen. Die Forschungsgelder für den Naturschutz fliessen heute spärlich, daher blieben bislang viele praktische Fragen unbeantwortet, andererseits haben zahlreiche Resultate der Grundlagenforschung wenig Nutzen für den Naturschutz. Die Hintermann & Weber AG […]

SAVE THE DATE: Swiss Space Industry Day 2017 on 16-17 June 2017 in Lausanne

The aim of these Swiss Space Industry Days is to provide up-to-date information to current and potential stakeholders on the various European institutional programmes as well as a platform to exchange experiences on the fast changing space landscape having an impact on business and cooperation models, industrial processes, standards and technologies. More Information and Registration: […]

ERA.Net RUS Plus – Call for Evaluators 2017

Do you have experience in European-Russian research cooperation? Are you interested in the evaluation of ‚S&T‘ and ‚innovation‘ projects? We are looking for independent experts to participate in the evaluation of the ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017. More informations: Schlagwörter: Call for Evaluators, ERA.Net RUS

Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Forum 2017 in Coimbra, Portugal, 2-4 October

The AAL Forum is an annual showcase and the largest event in the Active and Assisted Living field, which aims to bring together all the stakeholders in Active and Assisted Living domain. The Forum brings together policy makers, ICT developers, manufacturers, healthcare professionals, commissioners, companies, venture companies, technologists, academics, designers, caregivers and senior citizens, to […]

Symposium „Fostering the Innovation Potential of Research Infrastructures“ – 8 May 2017 in Lisbon

Registration is now open for this symposium, which will take place on 8 May 2017 in Lisbon. Deadline for registration is 1 May 2017. On behalf of the RICH Project, it is our pleasure to inform you on the upcoming symposium „Fostering the Innovation Potential of Research Infrastructures“ that will take place on 8 May […]

Third thematically open call launched

The thematically open module invites high-quality research that contributes to the solution of global problems in least developed, low- and middle income countries. The topics in this module emerge bottom-up by the researchers. The third thematically open call of the r4d programme supports research on global issues in the context of the 2030 Agenda for […]

Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme

Submission deadline: 30/06/2017           The SNSF is participating in the first call for proposals within the scope of the Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme. The objective of the Joint Funding Scheme (JFS) is to bring together Southeast Asian and European researchers and innovators and allow them to collaborate on topics of mutual interest. The […]