Conferences 2019 Congressi Stefano Franscini

Das Congressi Stefano Franscini, Kongress-Platform der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zürich seit 1989, bietet die Möglichkeit wissenschaftliche Tagungen und Workshops auf dem Monte Verità oberhalb von Ascona am Lago Maggiore zu organisieren. Die Ausschreibung für Konferenzen und Workshops in 2019 richtet sich an Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, die an einer Schweizer Hochschule oder an einem Schweizer Forschungsinstitut […]

Horizon 2020 Partner Search & Offer for SwafS-03-2017

Two research institutions from Italy and Austria would like to participate as a coordinator respectively partner in a Science with and for Society (SwafS) topic on gender equality plans. The University of Verona and the JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft GmbH are planning to participate in SwafS-03-2017: Support to research organisations to implement gender equality plans. Further […]

Horizon 2020 Partner Offers for SwafS-11-2017

Three institutions from Germany, Spain and Austria are offering their expertise. They would like to participate in a Science with and for Society (SwafS) topic on science education outside the classroom. The following institutions are willing to participate as a partner in SwafS-11-2017: Science education outside the classroom: ZENIT GmbH Fundación Pública Andaluza Progreso y […]

Horizon 2020 Partner Offer for Security Topics

The Federal Computing Centre of Austria is offering its expertise for Horizon 2020 topics on cybersecurity and border security. The Federal Computing Centre of Austria – Bundesrechenzentrum (BRZ) is the main e-government partner of the federal administration in Austria. It runs one of Austria’s largest computing centres, its own parallel computing centre and ensures one […]

Bio-Based Industries Call 2017 Open

The Joint Undertaking on Bio-based Industries (BBI) is a public-private partnership aiming at increasing investment in the development of a sustainable bio-based industry sector in Europe. The 2017 call shows 4 strategic orientations: Feedstock Process Products Market uptake More Information: Schlagwörter: BBI, Bio-Based Industries Call

Join us at the 3rd International Conference

The third and final International Conference will bring together world-class scientists from a variety of disciplines who apply quantitative and systems-wide approaches to research in the life sciences from September 4-7, 2017 in Zurich. The conference will take place at the ETH Zurich, with the opening day in the main building (Zentrum) and the […]

Academy-Industry Training Camp

Deadline 25th June 2017 (India Camp: November 2017) This programme aims to support scientists in establishing high level applied research partnerships with potential market/industry application, by connecting partners from Switzerland, Brazil and India.   By connecting scientists from top institutions in Switzerland, Brazil and India, the programme promotes an international network and access to one […]

Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme

Eingabefrist: 30.06.2017 Der SNF beteiligt sich an der ersten Ausschreibung im Rahmen des Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme. Das Joint Funding Scheme ermöglicht die Zusammenarbeit von Forschenden und Innovatoren aus Südostasien und Europa, die an gemeinsamen Forschungsthemen interessiert sind. So können Ressourcen multilateral gebündelt werden, um kollaborative Forschung und Innovationsprojekte zu fördern. Der […]

Open Research Data: Das sind die SNF-Guidelines für die Datenmanagementpläne

Was gehört in den Datenmanagementplan für das SNF-Projektgesuch? Ein ausführlicher Leitfaden für Forscherinnen und Forschern steht ab sofort zur Verfügung. Daten und Resultate der Forschung, die mit öffentlichen Geldern unterstützt werden, sollen für alle offen zugänglich sein. Der Schweizerische Nationalfonds (SNF) unterstützt den Grundsatz der Open Research Data: Als ersten Schritt führt er ab Oktober […]

Smart Health Conference and Partnering Event

29-06-2017, 08:30–16:00 in Zürich The Enterprise Europe Network invites you to participate in the Smart Health conference and partnering event taking place in Zürich on 29 June 2017. The focus is on virtual/augmented reality, digitalization/big data, convergence between ICT, medtech and pharma, interfaces, devices and sensors. More Information & Registration Schlagwörter: Smart Health conference