We promote innovative projects between South Korean and Swiss partners

Following the first and second successful calls of 2015 and 2016, the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) and the Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI) are launching a third call for joint innovation projects between Switzerland and South Korea. Who is the call aimed at? The call for joint innovation projects is aimed […]

Science with and for Society Brockerage Event

Do you intend to prepare a proposal for a topic in the Science with and for Society Work Programme 2017?   Then participate in the Brockerage Event in Brussels on 10 March 2017 which will provide networking and funding opportunities for the programme. This is a great opportunity: to get detailed information from the European […]

Partner Offer for Horizon 2020 Security Topic SEC-12-FCT-2016-2017

The University of Central Lancashire (Cyprus) offers its expertise for H2020 Security Topic SEC-12-FCT-2016-2017: Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation in the context of fight against crime and terrorism. UCLan Cyprus is actively involved in Horizon 2020 bids and projects through its three Schools: Law, Business and Sciences. The research team interested in the above […]

EuroNanoForum Brokerage Event 23 June 2017, Valletta, Malta

Registration to the brokerage event is now open. As part of the EuroNanoForum 2017 in Malta (21-23 June 2017), a international matchmaking event will be held on 23 June 2017. This brokerage event will target a wide spectrum of start-ups, companies, universities, researchers and clusters from all over Europe interested in expanding their business and […]

ERA-NET NORFACE – Multilateral Joint Call „Transformations to Sustainability“ (T2S)

Eingabefrist: 05.04.2017 Das ERA-NET NORFACE lanciert gemeinsam mit Belmont Forum und ISSC den Call „Transformations to Sustainability (T2S)“, der allen Forschenden im Bereich der Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften in der Schweiz offen steht. Weitere Informationen und Dokumente zur Ausschreibung finden Sie hier: Schlagwörter: ERA-NET, Transformations to sustainability

JPIAMR sucht Präventions- und Interventionsstudien

Eingabefrist: 21.03.2017 Die fünfte Ausschreibung der Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR) ist erfolgt. Das Ziel: neue Präventions- und Interventionsstudien durchführen. Dem Nationalen Forschungsprogramm „Antimikrobielle Resistenz“ (NFP 72) stehen für Schweizer Projektpartner 600’000 Euro zur Verfügung. Weitere Informationen: Schlagwörter: Ausschreibung SNF, JPIAMR


20.01.2017 – Die Ausschreibung 2017 ist lanciert Unter dem Titel «BREF – Brückenschläge mit Erfolg» fördert die Gebert Rüf Stiftung modellhafte Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte, die dazu beitragen, das Potential der Schweizer Fachhochschulen als F&E-Partner zu stärken. Dafür stehen jährlich CHF 1.5 Mio. CHF zur Verfügung. Das Förderprogramm BREF, das in enger Zusammenarbeit mit «swissuniversities – […]

Funding for Neuroscience Research

The NEURON Network launches a joint transnational call for research projects on „Synaptic Dysfunctions in Disorders of the Central Nervous System“.  The „Network of European Funding for Neuroscience Research (NEURON)“ aims to support translational collaborations in the field of neurodegenerative disease research. The call objective is to facilitate multinational, collaborative research in the aforementioned field. […]

MarTERA ERA-NET Co-Fund Brokerage Event

The ERA-NET Marine and Maritime Technologies for a new ERA, MarTERA, is organising a brokerage event for potential applicants on 15 February 2017 in Brussels. MarTERA has started on 1 December 2016 and launched a transnational call with a budget of about €30 Mio for collaborative research and innovation projects. Get detailed information on MarTERA […]

FCH2 JU Call for Proposals 2017 Now Open

The FCH2 JU (Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) Annual Work Plan 2017 has been published on 17 January 2017. The call for proposals (H2020-JTI-FCH-2017-1) ist now open with 24 topics covering different areas of research and innovation: transport, energy production, hydrogen production, integration in energy systems, cross-cutting activities. The deadline for proposals is the […]