
ERA-NET NORFACE: Joint research programme “Dynamics of (In)equality across the life-course” (JRP DIAL)

Das ERA-NET NORFACE ist ein Forschungsprogramm zur Stärkung der Sozialwissenschaften auf europäischer und nationaler Ebene. NORFACE lanciert im Rahmen des Joint Research Programme die Ausschreibung “Dynamics of (In)equality across the life-course (JRP DIAL)”. Das ERA-NET “New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe (NORFACE)” ist eine europaweite Initiative aus den Sozialwissenschaften, an der Förderungsorganisationen […]

EU GrantsAccess

Workshop “Living and learning. Building a researcher career development framework” am 19.01.2016 in Zürich

Am 19.01.2016 organisiert das EU Grants Office in Zürich zusammen mit swissuniversities ein Workshop zum Thema “Responsive & Flexible Career Development Framework for Researchers” (REFLEX). Inhalte der Veranstaltung sind das Aufzeigen und Diskutieren von Möglichkeiten, wie Forschende ihre jeweiligen Karriereverläufe optimieren können, um ihr volles Potenzial auf dem Arbeitsmarkt auszuschöpfen. Die Teilnahme von Forschenden aus […]

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ERC Grants for the Humanities and Social Sciences

21 January 2016, 14:00–17:00 in Bern The main goal of this event is to inform researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) about their opportunities to apply to the European Research Council (ERC) for one of the prestigious ERC Grants. Participants will learn what it takes to write and submit successful grant applications, and […]

ERA SynBio

Joint Call on Industrial Technology

A cooperation between ERA-IB-2 (ERA-Net Industrial Biotechnology 2) and ERASynBio and ERA-MBT (ERA-Net Marine Biotechnology). ERA-IB-2 (ERA-Net Industrial Biotechnology 2) launches, in cooperation with ERASynBio and ERA-MBT (ERA-Net Marine Biotechnology), a seventh international joint call for multilateral research projects using Industrial Biotechnology (IB). The main purpose of this call is to generate joint European research […]

University Industry Interaction

The University-Industry Interaction Conference 2016

1 to 3 June 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands The largest global event centred on university-industry interaction, entrepreneurial universities and collaborative innovation. At this event you have the opportunity to meet around 400 participants from all over the world and interact, share knowledge, and establish new contacts. The conference is a key event for academics, researchers, […]


Call for proposals for the European Foundations Award for Responsible Research and Innovation

A consortium of European Foundations took the initiative to launch a new award: the European Foundations Award for Responsible Research and Innovation. The aim of this award is to celebrate excellent European research practices (i.e. research projects and programmes) that successfully incorporate elements of Responsible Research and Innovation throughout the research process. It provides a […]