Webinar on Funding for Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Transport Projects – ELENA

03-06-2020, 10:00 – 11:00 in Bern The funding programme ELENA is the right opportunity for you if you are a public or private entity pursuing an energy efficiency or sustainable transport project. This event provides information about the funding programme “European Local Energy Assistance” (ELENA). ELENA provides grants for implementation projects focused of energy efficiency, […]

Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference 2020 – VIRTUAL

More and more companies are considering the use of intelligent self-learning machines that can help them to drive their sales and profits. Using the right technologies in the right place efficiently can give companies a decisive competitive advantage. Find out what these developments can mean for your company at the Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference! Schlagwörter: […]

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships Call is Now Open!

Are you a talented researcher planning your next career move? Individual Fellowships support the mobility of experienced resesearchers. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships Call opened today with a deadline on 9 September 2020. Schlagwörter: Individual Fellowship Call, Marie Sklodowska-Curie

Will the deadlines for Horizon 2020 calls be extended related to the COVID-19 outbreak?

The recent escalation of restrictions related to the COVID-19 outbreak may hamper applicants’ ability to prepare and finalise high-quality proposals. For this reason, for Horizon 2020 calls with original deadlines between now and 15 April, extensions will be applied. The precise new deadlines for each call and topic will be published on the call and […]

Webinar on Transnational Access to Research Infrastructures in Life Sciences

Did you know that you can access the best Research Infrastructures (RI) in Europe to perform your research? In this one hour webinar you will hear all about the open calls and how to successfully apply for access to INFRAVEC2, TRANSVAC2 and ERINHA. The webinar will take place on 6 March 2020, at 13:00h. Schlagwörter: […]

IMI Call Open on Therapeutics and Diagnostics Combatting Coronavirus Infections

The Innovative Medicines Initiative has now launched IMI2 – Call 21 on the development of therapeutics and diagnostics combatting coronavirus infections. Schlagwörter: coronavirus infections, IMI

Jüngste Erfolge im Rahmen von Horizon 2020

Die ZHAW beteiligt sich auch in der Endphase von Horizon 2020 sehr erfolgreich an der europäischen Forschung. Seit dem letzten Newsletter im November 2019 konnten sechs weitere Forschungsprojekte eingeworben werden. Zudem wird im Beitrag das Projekt SONAR von Jürgen Schumacher etwas näher vorgestellt. Schlagwörter: AGROMIX, AISA, EU Horizon 2020, MOVING, MSCA, NanoPAT, SmartAge, SONAR