Centro Stefano

Conference platform Congressi Stefano Franscini: Call for Proposals 2017

The Congressi Stefano Franscini is ETH Zurich’s conference platform located at Monte Verità, a beautiful hilltop overlooking Ascona and Lake Maggiore in Southern Switzerland (Ticino). Since 1989 the CSF gives professors and researchers working in Switzerland the opportunity to organize a subsidized international conference or workshop at the Monte Verità congress centre. Schlagwörter: Ausschreibungen, Nachwuchsförderung, […]

Euresearch 300x100

Partner Searches for SwafS Calls for Science Education and Learning in Science

Partners are sought for calls: SEAC.1.2015, GERI.3.2015, GERI.4.2015, ISSI.5.2015, ISSI.3.2015, GARRI.4.2015 and GARRI.10. 2015. The SBC-Scientific Biomedical Information Centre, Athens and the Universitiy of the Academy of Scieces of Moldova have both expertise in science education, learning in science and ethics in science and are interested to contribute in the field promotion science career in […]

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Partner Search for Science with and for Society Call SEAC.1.2015

Bulgarian organisation at the University of Economics-Varna with experience in coordinating is looking for project partners. Topic SEAC.1.2015 – Innovative ways to make science education and scientific careers attractive to young people. The Centre for Innovation and Development (CID) at the University of Economics-Varna requires expertise and know-how as asked in the project description. Schlagwörter: […]


Sondermassnahme Starker Franken 2015: Erlass des Cash-Beitrages

Zwischen dem 01. August 2015 und 30. November 2015 können Schweizer KMU, die stark exportorientiert sind und gemeinsam mit einem Forschungspartner ein KTI-Projekt umsetzen wollen, einen Antrag auf Erlass des Cash-Beitrages stellen. Mit dieser von Bundesrat Schneider-Ammann angeordneten Sondermassnahme sollen all jene KMU entlastet werden, die besonders unter dem starken Franken leiden. Im Leitfaden zur […]

enterprise europe network

Brokerage Event on Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) in Horizon 2020

1 October in Strasbourg, France The event is organised by the French and German National Contact Points (NCPs) and Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Alsace in collaboration with the Europe Alsace Network. It will target upcoming calls in the following thematic fields: nanotechnologies and advanced materials, biotechnologies, advanced manufacturing and processing. The objectives of the brokerage […]

Euresearch 300x100

Horizon 2020: Developing Winning Proposals

by Paul Drath, Singleimage Ltd. 08 September 2015, 09:00–16:30 in Bern This workshop will explain how to develop a winning proposal for collaborative research projects in the areas of Societal Challenges and Enabling & Industrial Technologies programmes of Horizon 2020. The workshop is ideal for researchers, research managers and advisors new to the framework programme, […]

European Commission

H2020 Health, Demographic Change & Wellbeing Partnering Event and Info Day

17-18 September 2015 in Brussels Learn more about the Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing Work Programme 2016-2017 and find the right partners to build up a consortium in order to submit a proposal to the upcoming Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing Call 2016-2017. The Horizon 2020 Health partnerning event will offer you the opportunity to […]