Research Outputs

As applied research laboratory, we follow the view of the Swiss National Science Foundation on research output diversity which is reflected in the listings on this page, and we prefer real-time, diamond open access & open review dissemination of our results through (pr)eprints and open source/date repositories.

Authored Works

Peer-reviewed journal and magazine publications
  1. P. Leitner, E. Wittern, J. Spillner, W. Hummer: A mixed-method empirical study of Function-as-a-Service software development in industrial practice. Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), volume 146, March 2019, pages 340-359, online December 2018. (older preprint June 2018: PeerJ Preprints 6:e27005v1; embargoed digital collection entry)
  2. G. Toffetti, S. Brunner, M. Blöchlinger, J. Spillner, T. M. Bohnert: Self-managing cloud-native applications: design, implementation and experience. Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) special issue on Cloud Incident Management, volume 72, July 2017, pages 165-179, online September 2016.
Peer-reviewed conference publications
  1. P. Gkikopoulos, “Data Distribution and Exploitation in a Global Microservice Artefact Observatory”, 15th IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES), Milan, Italy, July 2019. (author version; slides; digitalcollection; IEEExplore pp. 319-322)
  2. O. Serhiienko, P. Gkikopoulos, J. Spillner, “Extensible Declarative Management of Cloud Resources across Providers”, 6th Workshop on CrossCloud Infrastructures & Platforms (CrossCloud) @ 19th CCGrid, Larnaca, Cyprus, May 2019. (author version; slides; digitalcollection; IEEExplore pp. 678-683)
  3. Y. Zhou, X. Yan, T. Chen, S. Panichella, H. Gall, “DRONE: A Tool to Detect and Repair Directive Defects in Java APIs Documentation”, Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Montreal, Canada, May 2019. To appear.
  4. Y. Bogado-Sarubbi, W. Benitez-Davalos, J. Spillner, F. Lopez-Pires, “Towards Sustainable Ecosystems for Cloud Functions”, European Symposium on Serverless Computing and Applications (ESSCA), Zurich, Switzerland, December 2018. (paper copy; slides copy/speakerdeck; CEUR-WS vol. 2330, pp. 18-24, March 2019)
  5. S. Dorodko and J. Spillner, “Selective Java Code Transformation into AWS Lambda functions”, European Symposium on Serverless Computing and Applications (ESSCA), Zurich, Switzerland, December 2018. (paper copy; slides copy/speakerdeck; CEUR-WS vol. 2330, pp. 9-17, March 2019)
  6. M. Al-Ameen and J. Spillner: “A systematic and open exploration of FaaS research”, European Symposium on Serverless Computing and Applications (ESSCA), Zurich, Switzerland, December 2018. (paper copy; slides copy/speakerdeck; CEUR-WS vol. 2330, pp. 30-35, March 2019)
  7. S. Murphy and A. Edmonds: “Realizing Edge Computing connectivity with Open Virtual Networking”, 5th International Workshop on Smart City Clouds: Technologies, Systems and Applications (SCCTSA) @ 11th UCC, Zurich, Switzerland, December 2018. To appear.
  8. O. Serhiienko, J. Spillner: “Systematic and recomputable comparison of cloud management platforms”, 10th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), Nicosia, Cyprus, December 2018. (author version; slides; IEEExplore)
  9. C. V. Alexandru, J. J. Merchante, S. Panichella, S. Proksch, H. Gall, G. Robles: “On the Usage of ‘Pythonic’ Idioms in Python Programs”, Onward!, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, November 2018. To appear.
  10. J. Spillner, M. Ramírez López: “Transactional Migration of Inhomogeneous Composite Cloud Applications”, 4th International Workshop on Cloud Adoption and Migration (CloudWays) @ 7th ESOCC, Como, Italy, September 2018. To appear. (author version (preproceedings); slides/speakerdeck)
  11. J. Spillner, Y. Bogado, W. Benítez, F. López Pires, “Co-Transformation to Cloud-Native Applications — Development Experiences and Experimental Evaluation”, 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER), Funchal, Madeira – Portugal, May 2018. (author version; slides; digitalcollection; SCITEPRESS DL)
  12. G. Toffetti, T. Lötscher, S. Kenzhegulov, J. Spillner, and T. M. Bohnert. 2017. Cloud Robotics: SLAM and Autonomous Exploration on PaaS. In Companion Proceedings of the10th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC ’17 Companion). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 65-70. DOI:
  13. M. Ramírez López, J. Spillner, “Towards Quantifiable Boundaries for Elastic Horizontal Scaling of Microservices”, 6th International Workshop on Clouds and (eScience) Applications Management (CloudAM) / 10th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing Companion (UCC), Austin, Texas, USA, December 2017. (author version; slides; digitalcollection; ACM DL)
  14. J. Spillner, C. Mateos, D. A. Monge, “FaaSter, Better, Cheaper: The Prospect of Serverless Scientific Computing and HPC”, 4th Latin American Conference on High Performance Computing (CARLA), Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 2017. (author version; slides; Springer CCIS vol. 796 pp. 154-168)
  15. J. Spillner, G. Toffetti, M. Ramírez López, “Cloud-Native Databases: An Application Perspective”, 3rd International Workshop on Cloud Adoption and Migration (CloudWays) @ 6th ESOCC, Oslo, Norway, September 2017. (author version; slides; Springer CCIS vol. 824 pp. 102-116)
  16. A. P. Vumo, J. Spillner, S. Köpsell, “Analysis of Mozambican Websites: How do they protect their users?”, 16th International Information Security South Africa Conference (ISSA), Johannesburg, South Africa, August 2017.
  17. M. Skoviera, P. Harsh, O. Serhiienko, M. Perez Belmonte, T. B. Bohnert, “Monetization of Infrastructures and Services”, European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), Oulu, Finland, June 2017.
  18. J. Spillner, M. Beck, A. Schill, T. M. Bohnert, “Stealth Databases: Ensuring User-Controlled Queries in Untrusted Cloud Environments”, 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), Limassol, Cyprus, December 2015. (slides; author version; IEEExplore/ACM DL)
  19. S. Brunner, M. Blöchlinger, G. Toffetti, J. Spillner, T. M. Bohnert, “Experimental Evaluation of the Cloud-Native Application Design”, 4th International Workshop on Clouds and (eScience) Application Management (CloudAM), Limassol, Cyprus, December 2015. (slides; author version; IEEExplore/ACM DL)
Diamond open access/open review preprints/e-prints
  1. Josef Spillner, Quantitative Analysis of Cloud Function Evolution in the AWS Serverless Application Repository, arXiv:1905.04800, May 2019.
  2. Josef Spillner, Quality Assessment and Improvement of Helm Charts for Kubernetes-Based Cloud Applications, arXiv:1901.00644, January 2019.
  3. Josef Spillner, Transformation of Python Applications into Function-as-a-Service Deployments, arXiv:1705.08169, May 2017.
  4. Josef Spillner, Snafu: Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) Runtime Design and Implementation, arXiv:1703.07562, March 2017.
  5. Josef Spillner and Serhii Dorodko, Java Code Analysis and Transformation into AWS Lambda Functions, arXiv:1702.05510, February 2017.
  6. Josef Spillner, Exploiting the Cloud Control Plane for Fun and Profit, arXiv:1701.05945, January 2017.
Books and book chapters
  1. A. Luntovskyy and J. Spillner, “Architectural Transformations in Network Services and Distributed Systems“, Springer Vieweg, 2017. ISBN 978-3-658-14840-9.

Research Software and Testbeds

Please refer to our repository at Github.

Curated Datasets

Please refer to our datasets at Zenodo.


Find recent talk and tutorial slides at Speakerdeck.

Talk slides
  1. Josef Spillner: Recent advances in serverless computing (speakerdeck), SIX IT Expert Forum, March 2019.
  2. Josef Spillner: Learning more about the ingredients of cloud applications (speakerdeck)(video), CERN Computing Seminar, February 2019.
  3. Oleksii Serhiienko: FaaS-based Universal Multi-Cloud Connectors /  Distributed Lambda functions to improve and extend the functionality of cloud management platforms (speakerdeck), ESSCA, December 2018.
  4. Josef Spillner: Helm Charts Quality Analysis (slides), Future Cloud Applications #5, Zurich, June 2018.
  5. Josef Spillner: Understanding Mixed-Technology Cloud Applications (speakerdeck), AGH University of Science and Technology, June 2018.
  6. Josef Spillner: Cloudware and Beyond: Engineering Methods and Tools (slides)(speakerdeck), 7th Open Cloud Day, Winterthur, May 2018.
  7. Josef Spillner: Keynote: Serverless Cyber-Physical Applications (slides), Science Meets Industry, Dresden, Germany, March 2018.
  8. Josef Spillner: Serverless Computing: FaaSter, Better, Cheaper and More Pythonic (slides), 3rd Swiss Python Summit, Rapperswil, Switzerland, February 2018.
  9. Josef Spillner: Serverless Delivery Hero — DevOps-style Tracing, Profiling and Autotuning of Cloud Functions (slides), Vienna Software Seminar, Vienna, Austria, December 2017.
  10. Josef Spillner: Technologies and Mindsets: Trends in Cloud-Native Applications (slides), National University of Asunción, Paraguay, August 2017.
  11. Josef Spillner: Cloud & Cyber-Physical Applications (Machines, IoT, Robots) (slides), Itaipu Technology Park, Paraguay, August 2017.
  12. Piyush Harsh: Cyclops 3.0 – Hierarchical billing made simple for future cloud applications, Future Cloud Applications #3, Zurich, July 2017.
  13. Josef Spillner: Serverless Applications: Tools, Languages, Providers and (Research) Challenges (slides), Serverless Zürich, June 2017.
  14. Josef Spillner: Rapid prototyping of cloud applications with open source tools (a research perspective) (slides), 6th Open Cloud Day, Bern, June 2017.
  15. Manuel Ramírez López: Predictable elasticity of Docker applications (slides), 14th Docker Switzerland User Group Meetup, May 2017.
  16. Josef Spillner: More on FaaS: The Swiss Army Knife of Serverless Computing (slides), Future Cloud Applications #2, April 2017.
  17. Josef Spillner: Containerising Functions using Docker and OpenShift (slides), Microservices Zürich, April 2017.
  18. Josef Spillner, Cloud Applications: Less Guessing, more Planning and Knowing (slides), University of Coimbra, May 2016.
  19. Josef Spillner, The Next Service Wave: Prototyping Cloud-Native and Stealthy Applications (slides), IBM Research Zurich, September 9th 2015.
Tutorial transcripts and slides
  1. Diego Martín: Building a serverless application using FaaS workflows (slides)(transcript)(code; rename to .zip). Tutorial @ ESSCA 2018, Zurich, Switzerland, December 2018.
  2. Josef Spillner: Distributed Service Prototyping with Cloud Functions (slides)(speakerdeck) (transcript). Tutorial @ ICDCS 2018, Vienna, Austria, July 2018.
  3. Josef Spillner: Practical Tooling for Serverless Computing (slides) (transcript). Tutorial @ UCC 2017, Austin, Texas, USA, December 2017.
  4. Josef Spillner: Function-as-a-Service: A Pythonic perspective on Serverless Computing (slides) (transcript), PyParis, June 2017.
Demo videos

Please refer to our online video collection.

Community service outputs: Journals and proceedings

Josef Spillner, Alan Sill (eds.): Reengineering Cloud Data Centers. IEEE Cloud Computing November/December 2018 (journal issue) (guest editor introduction).

Josef Spillner, Alan Sill, Kenneth Johnson et al. (eds.): Utility, big data and cloud computing: Applications and technologies. Journal of Cloud Computing, November 2019ff (journal issue)