Experimental evaluation of post-copy live migration in OpenStack using 10Gb/s interfaces

Up to now, we have published several blog posts focusing on the live migration performance in our experimental Openstack deployment – performance analysis of post-copy live migration in Openstack and an analysis of the performance of live migration in Openstack. While we analyzed the live migration behaviour using different live migration algorithms (read our previous blog posts regarding pre-copy […]

A Design Draft for Tenant Isolation without Tunneling in Openstack

The Problem Cloud networking bases on tech and protocols that were not initially designed for it. This has lead to unnecessary overhead and complexity in all phases of a cloud service. Tunneling protocols generate inherent cascading and encapsulation especially in multi tenant systems. The problem increases by vendor specific configuration requirements and heterogenous architectures. This complexity […]

N_O_conf: nagios-based monitoring of Openstack made easy

“The autoscaling cloud monitoring system that requires no manual reconfiguration” “Nagios OS autoconfigurator” (N_O_conf) is a cloud monitoring system that automatically adapts its monitoring behavior to the current user-initiated VM infrastructure. N_O_conf works by installing a cloud environment change listener daemon which is repeatedly polling the OpenStack API for changes in the VM infrastructure. As […]