ICCLab Invited to European Commission Cloud Expert Group

The ICCLab (Andy and Thomas) is invited to participate to the next meeting of the Cloud Expert Group which will take place in October 29-30, 2012 in Brussels.

The previous work of the Cloud Expert Group (“Advances in Clouds”) has clearly shown that Cloud Computing still requires research and development work in multiple domains (e.g. software & services, networks, security, complex systems, etc.).

Call for Participation : Cloud-based Service Platforms for the Future Internet

We would like to announce the 7th Workshop (Fachgespraech) on Next Generation Service Delivery Platforms, “Cloud-based Service Platforms for the Future Internet”, of the GI/ITG specialist group on Communications and Distributed Systems “Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme (KuVS)”.

29th of November 2012, Technopark Building, Jägerstrasse 2, CH-8406 Winterthur, Room LT AE130, Winterthur, Switzerland

In Quest of the “Open Cloud” (updated)

A remarkable and wonderful feature of Zurich is its vivid computer science and technology community. Hardly any week passes without an interesting event around new innovations and technologies, like the Internet of Things, novel programming languages (Go, etc), security, and of course Cloud Computing technologies (e.g. MongoDB) [footnote1]. Particularly interesting – from our / ICCLab perspective – is the ZhGeeks (@zhgeeks) community, run by one of our fellow technology and cloud evangelists Muharem. Last weeks Zhgeeks meeting was about Open Cloud and no less prominent figure than Samj was about to update us on the Open Cloud Initiative. A truly inspiring talk (download slides).

Notwithstanding of Sam’s comprehensive and sound introduction into the world of “Cloud Openness” (from an OCI perspective) I can’t help but have to ask myself – hellya, what is this Open Cloud thing?