Updated OCCI OpenStack Install Guide

Recently, the [OCCI implementation](http://www.github.com/dizz/nova) for [OpenStack](http://www.openstack.org) was made available by [work done by Intel Labs Europe](http://wiki.openstack.org/occi) as part of the [FI-ware project](http://www.fi-ware.eu). Some of the install instructions are now somewhat out of date. In this post we’ll outline the steps necessary to get the OCCI implementation up and running. This updated install guide is also now reflected on the [OpenStack OCCI wiki](http://wiki.openstack.org/occi). A big thanks goes out to Piotr Kasprzak at [GDWG](http://www.gwdg.de) for some of the updates!

# Steps

Create a fresh VM. Ubuntu 12.04 is a good baseline.

Get devstack:

[gist id=2917429]

Install some necessaries:

[gist id=2917431]

Fix the `prettytable` issue:

[gist id=2917434]

Edit `~/devstack/stackrc` so it checks out the OCCI branch of OpenStack:

[gist id=2917441]

Create/Edit `~/devstack/localrc` with the following content:

[gist id=2917445]

Now execute devstack:

[gist id=2917453]

You will be now asked for a number of service admin passwords. Once the devstack process has completed you should see the following:

[gist id=2917462]

Once the stack is running you can then issue the commands that are on the [OpenStack OCCI wiki page](http://wiki.openstack.org/occi).

A virtual machine with both OpenStack and OCCI can be [downloaded from here](http://www.cloudcomp.ch/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/OCCI-OS.ova). The user name and password is `occi` and `occi`. It is in an OVA export format and you can easily import into VirtualBox. In `~/devstack/localrc` the `OFFLINE` parameter is set to `True`. If you want to update the devstack installation change this to `False`.

## Potential Issues

1. If the OCCI API blocks and does not return a response then please check your `/etc/nova/api-paste.ini` configuration. Ensure that the `[filter:authtoken]` section has the correct `service_host` and `auth_host` values.

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