Dependability Modeling on OpenStack: Part 2

In the previous article we defined use cases for an OpenStack implementation according to the usage scenario in which the OpenStack environment is deployed. In this part of the Dependability Modeling article series we will show how these use cases relate to functions and services provided by the OpenStack environment and create a set of dependabilities between use cases, functions, services and system components. From this set we will draw the dependency graph and make the impact of component outages computable.

Dependability Modeling on OpenStack: Part 1

Dependability Modeling is carried out in 4 steps: model the user intercations, model the system functions, model the system services and then model the system components which make system services available. In the first part we will define which interactions could be expected from end users of the OpenStack cloud platform and construct the first part of the dependability graph. Once the dependapility model is constructed, a Dependability Analysis will be performed and several OpenStack HA architectures will be rated according to their outage risk.

Dependability Modeling: Testing Availability from an End User’s Perspective

In a former article we spoke about testing High Availability in OpenStack with the Chaos Monkey. While the Chaos Monkey is a great tool to test what happens if some system components fail, it does not reveal anything about the general strengths and weaknesses of different system architectures. In order to determine if an architecture with 2 redundant controller nodes and 2 compute nodes offers a higher availability level than an architecture with 3 compute nodes and only 1 controller node, a framework for testing different architectures is required. The “Dependability Modeling Framework” seems to be a great opportunity to evaluate different system architectures on their ability to achieve availability levels required by end users.