Arbeiten unter der toskanischen Sonne
“Ich pries ihre Arbeit, sie priesen die Toskana. ” Als Student des Bachelor Mehrsprachige Kommunikation absolvierte Jonas Bühler ein Praktikumssemester bei den Eisenbahn-IngenieurInnen von PROSE in Pisa.
Ein Blog der ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
“Ich pries ihre Arbeit, sie priesen die Toskana. ” Als Student des Bachelor Mehrsprachige Kommunikation absolvierte Jonas Bühler ein Praktikumssemester bei den Eisenbahn-IngenieurInnen von PROSE in Pisa.
Ha sido más difícil volver a Suiza y acostumbrarme de nuevo a la vida de aquí que ir a Gran Canaria y acostumbrarme a la vida de allí. En esta isla, la gente vive al conocido “ritmo canario” en el que la tranquilidad, la calma y el no-estrés marcan el compás de su vida. de […]
Ogni inizio è difficile e che non tutto va sempre per il verso giusto, anche se si pensa di essersi preparati al meglio, lo si capisce solo andando per un certo periodo di tempo all’estero. di Sabrina Caruso, studentessa Bachelor in Lingue applicate Le valigie sono pronte, l’alloggio è organizzato e a questo punto niente […]
Visita a un’assemblea generale decisamente diversa per concludere la carriera universitaria in grande stile. di Madlaina Caflisch, Alice Cignetti e Patrizia Crüzer e Luisa Zemp, studentesse del terzo semestre del master di linguistica applicata con indirizzo interpretazione di conferenza Giovedì 2 maggio abbiamo avuto l’occasione di presenziare all’assemblea generale di ABB a Zurigo, dove l’ex […]
In the course of my exchange semester, I had the unique opportunity to live and work in southwest Finland for 5 months. My internship at the Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) in Pori, was filled with valuable working experience, new friendships – and a lot of time in the sauna. by Stefan Keller, BA […]
It is an old truth: everything is connected. I cannot help it; almost unconsciously, I connect the dots between what is new to me and what I know as soon as I am at a new place.This was also the case when I arrived in Manchester. I instantly felt as if I had been catapulted […]
I love travelling. I had already visited quite a few countries before attending the ZHAW, and when I learned that we had the chance to study abroad for one semester during our Bachelor in Applied Languages I was very enthusiastic. It is something that influenced my decision to study at the ZHAW. by Nadia Boubrahimi, […]
Eines Tages einen Blogbeitrag für die ZHAW zu schreiben, das hatte ich mir zu Beginn des Studiums fest vorgenommen. Schliesslich kommt es nicht oft vor, dass man kostenlos von einem persönlichen Coaching und Briefing mit den Experten, Prof. Dr. Daniel Perrin und Deborah Harzenmoser, profitieren darf. Als frische Sprachwerkerin bietet sich für mich zudem die […]
Im Rahmen des Studiums in Mehrsprachiger Kommunikation absolvierte Romana Bleisch 2017 ein Praktikum bei Rhino Africa in Kapstadt. Für sie waren die Monate in der Regenbogennation das „unangefochtene Highlight“ des ganzen Studiums.
In the University’s official slogan just mentioned above, there is definitely a lot of truth. Once you step onto the main Stag Hill Campus, you start to feel a special atmosphere, a different energy, far away from hectic city life. At least, these were my first sensations when I explored the campus on the day […]