ICCLab Invited to European Commission Cloud Expert Group

The ICCLab (Andy and Thomas) is invited to participate to the next meeting of the Cloud Expert Group which will take place in October 29-30, 2012 in Brussels.

The previous work of the Cloud Expert Group (“Advances in Clouds”) has clearly shown that Cloud Computing still requires research and development work in multiple domains (e.g. software & services, networks, security, complex systems, etc.).

ICCLabs Present on OCCI at OWF/CloudCamp Paris

ICCLab is just back from Open World Forum in Paris after being part of the organisation of the “Open Cloud, Open Standards” session that was run in conjunction with CloudCamp. It was an excellent session and Simon Wardley was the master of MC’ing. There was a number of presentations to kick off the day and that was followed by very interesting and energetic round table discussions.

Call for Participation : Cloud-based Service Platforms for the Future Internet

We would like to announce the 7th Workshop (Fachgespraech) on Next Generation Service Delivery Platforms, “Cloud-based Service Platforms for the Future Internet”, of the GI/ITG specialist group on Communications and Distributed Systems “Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme (KuVS)”.

29th of November 2012, Technopark Building, Jägerstrasse 2, CH-8406 Winterthur, Room LT AE130, Winterthur, Switzerland

OpenFlow – Setting up A Learning Switch

If you are also interested in SDN architecture and want to use the OpenFlow specification for it, a good starting point is the tutorial on openflow.org. OpenFlow has its roots at Stanford University and provides the communication between the data- and the control-plane in a SDN based network architecture. In this article we will show you how to setup a system that implements a learning switch using the OpenFlow specification.

European Commission Cloud Announcements

While the [ICCLab presented](http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/cf/ictpd12/document.cfm?doc_id=23258) at the [ICT Proposer’s Day in Warsaw](http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/ictproposersday/2012/index_en.htm), a very interesting announcement was made in relation to Europe’s strategy on Cloud Computing.

On Thursday, the vice president of the European commission, [Neelie Kroes](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neelie_Kroes), announced [further details](http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/12/1025&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en) on the European Cloud Partnership.

EU Report: “Advances in Clouds: Report from the Cloud Computing Expert Working Group”

This is a brief summary of the [EU Report:”Advances in Clouds: Report from the CLOUD Computing Expert Working Group.”](http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/ssai/docs/future-cc-2may-finalreport-experts.pdf) In this report a set of appointed Cloud experts have studied the current cloud computing landscape and have came out with a set of recommendations for advancing the future cloud. They note a large number of challenges present today in cloud computing and where tackled provide an opportunity to European innovators.