Use pacemaker and corosync on Illumos (OmniOS) to run a HA active/passive cluster

In the Linux world, a popular approach to build highly available clusters is with a set of software tools that include pacemaker (as resource manager) and corosync (as the group communication system), plus other libraries on which they depend and some configuration utilities. On Illumos (and in our particular case, OmniOS), the ihac project is abandoned and I couldn’t find any […]

MobileCloud Networking Live @ Globecomm

As part of the on-going work in MobileCloud Networking the project will demonstrate outputs of the project at this year’s Globecomm industry-track demonstrations. Globecomm is being held this year in Austin, Texas. The demonstration shows a NFV compatible architecture that leverages key technologies of OpenStack and OpenShift to deliver an end-to-end orchestrated service combining RAN, EPC, IMS and supported by monitoring and billing services.

Setup a Kubernetes Cluster on OpenStack with Heat

In this post we take a look at Kubernetes and help you setup a Kubernetes Cluster on your existing OpenStack Cloud using its Orchestration Service Heat. This Kubernetes Cluster should only be used as a Proof of Concept. Technology involved: Kubernetes: CoreOS: etcd: fleet: flannel: kube-register: The Heat Template used in this Post is available on […]