Parallel OpenStack Multi Hosts Deployments with Foreman and Puppet

by Josef Spillner

In our lab we have the need to have one environment which is running OpenStack Essex and another which is running OpenStack Folsom. Here’s a guide on how we setup our infrastructure so we can support the two environments in parallel.

To install Essex using Puppet/Foreman please follow the guides:

  • [OpenStack Puppet Part1](,
  • [OpenStack Puppet Part2](,
  • [OpenStack Puppet/Foreman](

Here it is only described how to integrate OpenStack Foslom with Puppet/Foreman. It is assumed that Puppet and Foreman are already set up according to the articles mentioned above.

2 environments will be created: `stable` and `research`. In the stable environment  are the puppet classes for Essex and in the research environment  the Folsom classes.
Create following directories:

[gist id=4147331]

Add the research and stable module path to /etc/puppet/puppet.conf

[gist id=4147341]

Clone Folsom classes:
[gist id=4147352]

Add compute.pp controller.pp, all-in-one.pp, params.pp
[gist id=4292299]

While applying controller.pp classes I encountered following error:
[gist id=4147369]

This issue is desribed [here](

To overcome these issues add `include apache` in:
[gist id=4147377]

According to a [previous article]( describing an issue with multiple environments, executing these steps is required:
[gist id=4147408]

After that in Foreman you can create new hostgroups and import the newly added classes (More – Puppet Classes – Import form local smart proxy).
Define stable and research environment and 3 hostgroups in the research environment: os-worker, os-controller, ow-aio.

Next assign the icclab::compute and icclab::params class to the worker hostgroup, icclab::controller and icclab::params class to the controller hostgroup and icclab::aio and icclab::params to the aio hostgroup.

Since we are using Ubuntu 12.04 it is required to add the Folsom repository to your installation. In order to do that create a new provisioning template. Copy the existing one and add line 14-18.
Name: Preseed Default Finish (Research)
Kind: finish
[gist id=4292436]

Please also consider the interface settings in line 1-7. Without these setting it was not possible to ping nor ssh VMs running on different physical nodes. This hint was found [here](


After that click on Association, select Ubuntu 12.04 and assign the research hostgroup and environment.

In our installation we got this error in the VM console log:

[gist id=4292393]

In our case it was due to wrongly configured iptables by open stack.
Adding the parameters metadata_host and routing_source_ip to nova.conf on the nova-network nodes has solved the issue. To make this permanent with puppet add Line 4, 34 and 35 in `/etc/puppet/modules/research/nova/manifests/compute.pp`:

[gist id=4292497]

With these steps followed you should then be able to go about provisioning your physical hosts across both puppet environments. In the next article we’ll show how we’ve segmented our network and what will be the next steps in progressing our network architecture.



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