Updated OCCI OpenStack Install Guide

Recently, the [OCCI implementation](http://www.github.com/dizz/nova) for [OpenStack](http://www.openstack.org) was made available by [work done by Intel Labs Europe](http://wiki.openstack.org/occi) as part of the [FI-ware project](http://www.fi-ware.eu). Some of the install instructions are now somewhat out of date. In this post we’ll outline the steps necessary to get the OCCI implementation up and running. This updated install guide is also now reflected on the [OpenStack OCCI wiki](http://wiki.openstack.org/occi). A big thanks goes out to Piotr Kasprzak at [GDWG](http://www.gwdg.de) for some of the updates!


We here in the ICCLab are very much interested in all activities related to standardisation in the Cloud. Standardisation forms part of our [overall strategy in bringing impact](http://www.cloudcomp.ch/research/) to the communities we take part in. One of these activities is our participation in the [Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI)](http://occi-wg.org/). OCCI is a standardisation activity ran out of the [Open Grid Forum](http://www.ogf.org).

ICCLab Colloquium – The Swiss Federal Cloud Computing Strategy

Willy Müller from the Swiss Federal Government visited the ICCLab and provided invaluable insights into the Swiss federal Cloud Computing strategy. Amazing to see the actual advancement of the Swiss approach. Another poof of Switzerland’s excellent sense of innovations and forward looking approach way beyond the financial and clock-maker industry. Presenter: Willy Müller, Informatikstrategieorgan Bund (ISB), […]


[OpenStack](http://www.openstack.org) is a cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter, all managed through a dashboard that gives administrators control while empowering their users to provision resources through a web interface. OpenStack is the infrastructure management framework that is currently powering [the ICCLab research infrastructure](http://www.cloudcomp.ch/research/foundation/projects/the-init-cloud-lab/). Schlagwörter: iaas, […]