Open Cloud Day 2013, hosted by Zurich University of Applied Sciences

The ICCLab here in ZHAW will be co-organising the Open Cloud Day 2013: 11th June 2013 here in Winterthur. /ch/open understands the importance of Cloud Computing, as does the ICCLab. To get the full power of clouds in the view of /ch/open these clouds should be open according of the principles open cloud initiative. The goal is to foster open clouds and interoperability of clouds.

Future trends and technologies in Mobile and Internet communications @ CFIC 2013

Future trends of Mobile and Internet Communications are revealed at the Conference on Future Internet Communications 2013 in Coimbra, Portugal. The many different speeches and talks show that Cloud Computing could play a major role in future Mobile Communication networks. The first keynote speech of the Conference was held by Alexander Sayenko, researcher at Nokia […]

OpenStack Grizzly installation for the lazy

As kindof advertisement for the new OpenStack Grizzly release we have created an automated single-node OpenStack Grizzly installation which uses Vagrant and Puppet. The automated installation can be downloaded from Github using the following URL: Please feel free to install it on your machine and test the new release. Schlagwörter: Github, grizzly, installation, openstack, […]

Dependability Modeling on OpenStack: Part 3

In this part of the Dependability Modeling article series we explain how a test framework on an OpenStack architecture can be established. The test procedure has 4 steps: in a first step, we implement the OpenStack environment following the planned system architecture. In the second step we calculate the probabilities of component outages during a given timeframe (e. g. 1 year). Then we start a Chaos Monkey script which “attacks” (randomly disables) the components of the system environment using the calculated probabilities as a base for the attack. As a last step we measure the impact of the Chaos Monkey attack according to the table of failure impact sizes we created in part 2. The impact of the attack should be stored as dataset in a database. Steps 1-4 form one test run. Multiple test runs can be performed on multiple architectures to create a empirical data which allows us to rate the different OpenStack architectures according to their availability.